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Re: [lsp4e-dev] Problems mapping workspace files to document buffers.

No, I'm not aware of such a bug. I wasn't motivated to open one because (as I mentioned in that ML email) there are actually test cases in org.eclipse.core.filebuffers.tests for the case of connecting different IFile's that both map to the same location, and then expect getting different document buffers. So because this is an API breaking change, I know I would stand zero chance of pushing it through...

A committer with political clout might stand some chance, but even so, I imagine it would be very hard. You're welcome to try, but I think a better hope lies not in changing core.filebuffers, but in changing the IDocumentProvider that editors use (such that the document provider would use filebuffers in slightly different way). But even that, is also a breaking change, so very hard to place in effect Eclipse wide (that is, to have editor user that document provider by default). We might just have to live with having each individual editor/plug-in opt-in into this behaviour.

On 1 December 2016 at 19:02, Mickael Istria <mistria@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Nowadays, Platform UI and Platform Text are merged.
I think that discussion on mailing-list are usually not very efficient for Platform projects. It's better to create bugs.
As for the issues with nested projects, yeah, there are many, and I've been keeping an eye to open bug reports for that, like you asked some time ago. However, on this discussion I was focusing just on the issue of mapping files to document buffers.
And are you aware of a bug about that?
Mickael Istria
Eclipse developer for Red Hat Developers
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