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Re: [locationtech-pmc] Upcoming release review for LocationTech Spatial4j 0.8

I reviewed the Eclipse Project Handbook, and I *think* I'm supposed to ask for an approval by the PMC:

The review materials must be approved by the PMC; the project lead or a designated project committer should send an email to the PMC’s mailing list with a request for approval. The PMC will respond with feedback or a simple +1 indicating approval.

Here's my +1.
It's a little unclear as to the relative timing of this relative to the release review, which is scheduled for tomorrow (Wednesday).

I've gone about deploying Spatial4j 0.8 into Apache Lucene/Solr master to run tests to see that it works.  I can see some additional interface methods cause the need to write some trivial convenience methods (Spatial4j is not yet on Java 8, so doesn't benefit from default methods) but most Spatial4j users wouldn't implement their own implementations of these interfaces any way.
~ David Smiley
Apache Lucene/Solr Search Developer

On Fri, Nov 13, 2020 at 9:02 AM David Smiley <dsmiley@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Hello LocationTech PMC,

I know you haven't heard from me in a long while.  Spatial4j is in maintenance mode but it's time now to do a release.  It's been 3 years since I last did this so please bear with me if I screw up.  The release record is here:

The IP Log was submitted and approved.  The release records contain the list of changes.  When the form asked me for Type A vs Type B of IP diligence, I chose "A" because there are no entirely new dependencies, only some version bumps.  Furthermore, Spatial4j only has works-with and build dependencies; nothing fundamentally required.

The release review is on the 18th, a Wednesday.

If you are using Spatial4j, then you can try out v0.8 SNAPSHOT here:

~ David Smiley
Apache Lucene/Solr Search Developer

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