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[locationtech-pmc] Upcoming release review for LocationTech Spatial4j 0.8

Hello LocationTech PMC,

I know you haven't heard from me in a long while.  Spatial4j is in maintenance mode but it's time now to do a release.  It's been 3 years since I last did this so please bear with me if I screw up.  The release record is here:

The IP Log was submitted and approved.  The release records contain the list of changes.  When the form asked me for Type A vs Type B of IP diligence, I chose "A" because there are no entirely new dependencies, only some version bumps.  Furthermore, Spatial4j only has works-with and build dependencies; nothing fundamentally required.

The release review is on the 18th, a Wednesday.

If you are using Spatial4j, then you can try out v0.8 SNAPSHOT here:

~ David Smiley
Apache Lucene/Solr Search Developer

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