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[technology-pmc] technology pmc january meeting

LocationTech PMC Jan 16th

  1. foss4g-na
  2. Eclipse Elections
    1. LocationTech Elections
  3. Release Planning
  4. Project Updates

Pre chat:

  • Java 9 changes are extensive with module system are extensive, review impact recommended.
  • consider doing a planning session around this next month? Separate breakou meeting? coordinate via email.


  • Who is going?
    • ten workshops, workshop deadline Feb 8th, request greater LocationTech presence
  • Presentation ideas:
  • Code sprint - room on thursday
    • Space, food, beverages, … t-rex 
  • Social events - Tuesday/Wednesday evening?
    • “Sauce on the side” recommendation

Eclipse Elections

  • Ongoing
  • LocationTech Elections, on addenda for meeting later today, sometime in Q1.
    • Current committer reps:  James and Jody
    • Invited members: Invite member from from other category
    • Expect emails in the coming weeks

Release Planning

  • Q1 releases:
    • spatial4j
    • geowave
  • Eclipse webinar, large virtual meet up each month
    • Workshop requires six weeks notice, abstract required —> 20 min presentation + demo
    • Steve asks if anyone wants to do a joint workshop?
      • Would GeoTrellis be interested?
      • Action: Steve to follow up with Rob

Project Updates:

  • GeoTrellis - heading for 2.0 release
    • cloud optimized geotiff support, moving to cog layers
    • Publish milestone end of week, looking to feb/march release
  • JTS - no update

Guest Discussion

  • george visiting from OGC, some discussion on WFS 3.0, open api repository.
  • Testbed announcement, includes opportunity to find RnD
Jody Garnett

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