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Re: [technology-pmc] LocationTech PMC Meeting June 22nd

Hey Everyone,

For the trademark transfer form... please send it to me or Thea... we'll make sure it gets where it needs to go.

Please don't send it to emp@xxxxxxxxxxx, bad things would happen:

Kind regards,


On 22/06/16 15:56, Jody Garnett wrote:


Rob, Andrea, James, Jody, Tyler, Thea 


  1. Proj4j - make need to ask Frank to fill out trademark transform form as "unregsitered". Discuss with emp@xxxxxxxxxxx if clarification.
    • Discussion on initial committers?
    • Prefer to obtain trademark permission, rather than rename.
  2. GeoTrellis (Rob)
    • 12 CQs anayslis, 9 left to submit
    • avero --> snappy-java - taking snappy-java compression library to email list, need to reopen a CQ and reach out to the developer again
    • scala 2.10.6 is good to go - waiting on anaysis
    • initial contribution has become outdated, resubmitting a release codebase 0.10.1
      • once this is completed transition to locationtech github repository
  3. Comparative review of geomesa and geowave
  4. GeoMesa
    • GeoMesa 1.2.3 bugfix release being tested before release
    • CQ roundup
  5. GeoGig
    • Working on a RC2
    • Six outstanding CQs for GeoGig
    • Decision to removal osmosis (rather than rewrite the functionality)
    • Still swapping out BerklyDB, so in a holding pattern
    • Will need to work with James when we get close to release with respect to build facilities, jar signing...
  6. uDig
    • no update
  7. Raster Processing Engine
    • Proposal is shaping up
    • Slightly new approach api --> cleanroom
  8. Spatial4J - no update ...
  9. JTS
    • number of outstanding pull request
    • consider hangout with Rob / Martin / James / Jody to look at it - jody will contact Martin



Apache big data discussion:

  • George from OGC had a geospatial track at Apache Big Data, not well attended (20 people for JPL, 10 people for Rob)
  • Event highlighted Apache SIS (Martin)
  • results: new mailing list, and event discussion in Europe
  • Some discussion of LocationTech / Apache collaboration/outreach (needs to be driven from members...)

Informal code sprint discussion:

  • Can we consider Philadelphia in conjunction with east coast LocationTech tour
  • Boundless had the idea of a St Louis code-sprint

LocationTech Tour ideas/discussion

  • geodomination would tour planning 2016!
  • Do we need a dedicated meeting? Let's try and set this up ...
    • Focus on how developers / projects / community can engage with LocationTech
    • Look at the tour as more than just an conference series
  • Locations leads? Think now, talk later ...
Thanks everyone for being amazing :)

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