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[technology-pmc] LocationTech PMC Meeting June 22nd


Rob, Andrea, James, Jody, Tyler, Thea 


  1. Proj4j - make need to ask Frank to fill out trademark transform form as "unregsitered". Discuss with emp@xxxxxxxxxxx if clarification.
    • Discussion on initial committers?
    • Prefer to obtain trademark permission, rather than rename.
  2. GeoTrellis (Rob)
    • 12 CQs anayslis, 9 left to submit
    • avero --> snappy-java - taking snappy-java compression library to email list, need to reopen a CQ and reach out to the developer again
    • scala 2.10.6 is good to go - waiting on anaysis
    • initial contribution has become outdated, resubmitting a release codebase 0.10.1
      • once this is completed transition to locationtech github repository
  3. Comparative review of geomesa and geowave
  4. GeoMesa
    • GeoMesa 1.2.3 bugfix release being tested before release
    • CQ roundup
  5. GeoGig
    • Working on a RC2
    • Six outstanding CQs for GeoGig
    • Decision to removal osmosis (rather than rewrite the functionality)
    • Still swapping out BerklyDB, so in a holding pattern
    • Will need to work with James when we get close to release with respect to build facilities, jar signing...
  6. uDig
    • no update
  7. Raster Processing Engine
    • Proposal is shaping up
    • Slightly new approach api --> cleanroom
  8. Spatial4J - no update ...
  9. JTS
    • number of outstanding pull request
    • consider hangout with Rob / Martin / James / Jody to look at it - jody will contact Martin



Apache big data discussion:

  • George from OGC had a geospatial track at Apache Big Data, not well attended (20 people for JPL, 10 people for Rob)
  • Event highlighted Apache SIS (Martin)
  • results: new mailing list, and event discussion in Europe
  • Some discussion of LocationTech / Apache collaboration/outreach (needs to be driven from members...)

Informal code sprint discussion:

  • Can we consider Philadelphia in conjunction with east coast LocationTech tour
  • Boundless had the idea of a St Louis code-sprint

LocationTech Tour ideas/discussion

  • geodomination would tour planning 2016!
  • Do we need a dedicated meeting? Let's try and set this up ...
    • Focus on how developers / projects / community can engage with LocationTech
    • Look at the tour as more than just an conference series
  • Locations leads? Think now, talk later ...
Thanks everyone for being amazing :)

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