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Re: [technology-pmc] Incubation train status

Hey Jim/all,

GeoTrellis is chugging along. We got a bunch of CQ's submitted for GeoTrellis, and only have a bit over 10 left according to our cod sprint thermometer (photo by Jody):

There are a lot of CQ's in the queue that need PMC +1's, so feel free to lend a hand if you have the time :)

That CQ did time out; we would have had to withdraw it anyway, since the library that is for is unable to be accepted without modification; someone else had done modification to it to include some additional license information (who knew a license with "The Software shall be used for Good, not Evil." in it would cause so much pain?) So I will have to resubmit a modified version or piggyback off of a CQ with that work already done, if the versions match up.

I have some time set aside to work through CQ issues in the next couple of weeks, so you'll be hearing more out of me soon.

Thanks to Jim, rock start PMC member and Steering Committee rep, for keeping on top of this! It is really high value and much appreciated.


On Thu, May 19, 2016 at 9:32 AM, Jim Hughes <jnh5y@xxxxxxxx> wrote:
Hi all,

The code sprint after FOSS4G NA was a great event for entering CQs and working with Eclipse infrastructure; I wanted to check in and see if we can keep the momentum up.

If I recall, GeoTrellis and GeoGig are up next on the LT incubation train.  How's it going?

Gabriel, Tyler, is there anything we can be doing to help GeoGig along?

I got an email about this GeoTrellis CQ timing out: timing out, and I wanted to make sure that both Eclipse legal and our committers were engaged.


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