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Re: [technology-pmc] Next steps for GeoMesa and Spatial4J

Much better; thanks!

At this point, the list includes commits by existing committers, not non-committer contributors.  Perhaps there is an email alias issue?  Does this need to be solved for me to submit the IP log?
~ David

On Wed, Feb 10, 2016 at 11:38 AM Wayne Beaton <wayne@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Try it now.


On 10/02/16 11:24 AM, Wayne Beaton wrote:
I am investigating.


On 09/02/16 04:26 PM, david.w.smiley@xxxxxxxxx wrote:
I was just about to go in and finally submit Spatial4j's IP log before I noticed it now has a ton of entries in the "Contributors and Their Contributions".

I don't think it had anything at all the last time I looked  This list includes deeper history pre-dating the original contribution to LocationTech.  It has some entries for other email accounts I have, as well as contributions from others code that isn't in Spatial4j today (or otherwise were trivial changes to code already existing).

Do I simply ignore all that and submit the IP log any way?  If not; how do I resolve this?

~ David

On Fri, Feb 5, 2016 at 4:59 PM Wayne Beaton <wayne@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
We've had some good news on the IP due diligence front and it's time to think about next steps.

My next best window of opportunity for a release review is February 17. I think that we can reasonably make this target. We'll have to have the pieces in place by Feb 10.

We'll task the project teams with submitting their IP Logs for review by the IP Team and assembling review documentation. I've just restarted the Git repository harvester process with some fixes, so we'll target running the IP Logs on Monday.

Review documentation is entered into a release record in the PMI. I look for a description of the release that I can understand. There are other fields that may be filled if the project team and PMI feel that there's value in providing information there.

This whole process shouldn't take more than about 30 minutes of the project lead's time.

The process is described in gory detail in the handbook.

Does it make sense to schedule a Hangout to discuss for early next week?

I'm available Monday 1-5 or Tuesday 10-12 (eastern timezone)

Wayne Beaton
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