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[technology-pmc] LocationTech Technology Top Level Project Architecture Council Representative

Greetings LocationTech PMC.

As top-level project, we are entitled to representation on the the Eclipse Architecture Council (AC).

The LocationTech Technology PMC representative is expected to attend a monthly one-hour call during which council business is discussed. The call is for members only, but we do publish minutes:

The representative can also volunteer to mentor new projects. This is pretty important as I am having some difficulty in attracting mentors to some of the LocationTech projects. We need to identify two mentors for every new project, so this is a big challenge/opportunity.

Having a LocationTech Technology PMC representative who is capable of filling the mentor role will help us move some of the open proposals forward towards creation review. I can be one of the mentors for at least some of these projects, but we seem to be lacking that all-important second mentor.

Mentoring isn't a particularly challenging job. I always try to pair an inexperienced mentor with somebody who has more experience. If you sign up for the project's mailing list, you can monitor what they're up to and step in when they have a problem. If something feels a little and you're not sure how or why, you can ask me for advice. In my experience, the role requires only a few minutes of my time each week on average (perhaps a little more in the first few weeks).

All we need is a volunteer and general consensus from the PMC members to make the appointment. A formal vote is not required.

My records show that the PMC is composed of the following individuals:

Jody Garnett (lead)
Andrea Antonello
Frank Gasdorf
Jesse Eichar
Mauricio Pazos
Wayne Beaton

(I'm not a good choice, since I'm already on the AC for other purposes)

Any volunteers?

Wayne Beaton
Director of Open Source Projects, The Eclipse Foundation
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