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  • [linuxtools-dev] Hudson build is still unstable: linuxtools-master #513, (continued)
  • [linuxtools-dev] Build failed in Hudson: linuxtools-master #506, hudsonbuild
  • [linuxtools-dev] Can't get manual oprofile to work, Wainer dos Santos Moschetta
  • [linuxtools-dev] IP CQs waiting on your team, portal on behalf of emo
  • [linuxtools-dev] Adding a extension point to Valgrind to change the location of the Valgrind binary, Otávio Pontes
  • [linuxtools-dev] Hudson build became unstable: linuxtools-master #499, hudsonbuild
  • [linuxtools-dev] Linux perf tool plug-in source approved for public posting, Corey Ashford
  • [linuxtools-dev] PTP/RDT and remote linuxtools, Corey Ashford
  • [linuxtools-dev] [eclipse-build] Port to new arch with "Bundle failed to resolve", Xingxing Pan
  • [linuxtools-dev] Build failed in Hudson: linuxtools-master #494, hudsonbuild
  • [linuxtools-dev] Eclipse Build: Designating a stable branch eclipse37, sami wagiaalla
  • [linuxtools-dev] Plans for 0.8.1, 0.9.0, 0.9.1, Indigo SR1, and SR2, Andrew Overholt
  • [linuxtools-dev] Build failed in Hudson: linuxtools-master #488, hudsonbuild
  • [linuxtools-dev] Build failed in Hudson: linuxtools-Indigo #361, hudsonbuild
  • [linuxtools-dev] Hudson build became unstable: linuxtools-Indigo #359, hudsonbuild
  • [linuxtools-dev] Build failed in Hudson: linuxtools-master #483, hudsonbuild

  • Mail converted by MHonArc

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