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Re: [linuxtools-dev] Problems with linuxtools repo

> Yep, I get the same problem if I use the
> git:// URL.
> Sometimes with a different error message, like "Permission denied".
> I can still pull fine from the Gerrit URL though:
> ssh://username@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx:29418/linuxtools/org.eclipse.linuxtools.git
> This has happened in the past, which is why I use the Gerrit URL for
> everything now...

I sent out an e-mail yesterday to the Eclipse Webmaster regarding the issues
we seem to be experiencing.

The issues we're seeing seem to be restricted only to anonymous access
(over git or http protocols), since access over ssh is working without
issues. This would also explain why Hudson and our git web UI are
affected (they probably access our repo using some form of anyonymous

Denis got back to me and mentioned that git gc is not run on gerrit
repos, and so anonymous user access is probably causing the server
to hit some file descriptor limit. I think he probably ran git gc

Since then, I'm seeing other error messages when attempting to clone
anonymously so I sent a follow-up. Hopefully this will be resolved
on Monday.

I'd hold off on pushing any changes until the situation is resolved,
but if you absolutely must get something in, please make
sure to test it locally.

Roland Grunberg

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