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Re: [linuxtools-dev] Helping with LinuxTools


* andreas <aocsp@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> [2009-11-13 04:17]:
> Firstly, I would like to thank the group the efforts to integrate
> powerful Linux tools into Eclipse.

On behalf of everyone, you're welcome :)

> Contributions can be at any form, from Alpha Testing, Documentation,
> and even Plug-in Development. 

Great!  We always value testing of our nightly update site [1]
accompanied by bug filing [2].  Our documentation isn't too bad but
could always use improvement.  You can see links to our various user
guides -- which are maintained on the Eclipse wiki -- in the "User
guides" section of our main wiki page:

Bug triaging and newsgroup monitoring are also very appreciated.  We
don't have too much trouble with bug triage yet (all open bugs [3]) but
as a group I think we could improve at newsgroup [4] participation.
Keeping on top of posts there and alerting us via this mailing list
would be appreciated.

And, as I'm sure you can imagine, we always welcome bug fixes and
feature patches for our plugins :)  One thing that would go a long way
is helping new contributors such as yourself.  We have a pretty thin
"Get Involved" page:

Any help improving that with pointers to how to actually use the PSF
files and a link to our PSF which includes all projects [5] would be
great.  In general, like other Eclipse projects, we try to do most
things through bugs so that we can track them.  Documenting that and
linking to other "how to fix a bug in Eclipse" documents would be great.
If you feel like doing any of these things, our getInvolved page is in
CVS here [6] and you can submit a patch here [7].  In fact, I've filed a
bug to track improving our "Get Involved" story:

You know, much of this email could also go onto our "Get Involved" page
:)  I'm also not opposed to moving the "Get Involved" link to point to a
wiki page since that's more easily updated.

> We are also interested in Real-Time Linux, and we would like to see
> more tools related to that area.

Cool.  I haven't heard of any other efforts in this area.  What sort of
tools do you envision?

> Please let us know how we can assist the Linuxtools dev group especially
> LTTng and Oprofile.

At the moment our OProfile maintainer is busy with school so we could
definitely use some eyes on that and/or new feature development.  There
are some open bugs for our OProfile component [8] that may be worth a
look.  I will let Francois & co. speak for potential areas of help with

Thanks and welcome,







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