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[linux-distros-dev] Re: F/OSS Java mini-talks during JavaOne

Hi Fernando,

On Mon, 2006-05-15 at 05:03 -0200, fernando@xxxxxxxxxxxxx wrote:
> If you happen to be at JavaOne this year, please drop by the
> community corner. This year we'll have some mini-talks about JPackage,
> Kaffe, Classpath and other free Java stuff, besides some
> Sun-sponsored talks.
> If people see there's interest from the community in Free Software
> Java projects, next years there'll be more space for us at the
> conference, and this will help more developers escape the "Java
> trap".

Wish I was there. But currently I am "trapped" in old-Europe. Audrius
and I gave presentations in Zwitserland and Germany this month. Audrius
setup a page on our wiki where you can find those and some other
presentation/promotion material that you should feel free to reuse:

There is also our support document which, although a bit dated, is nice
because the PDF version can be printed as a 3 page handout and shows how
important Compatibility, Correctness and Completeness is for our efforts
(something which seems to always be a big theme with the JavaOne crowd):

And I recently wrote a paper on the current state and GNU/Linux
packaging challenges which you can find at:

Hope some of that material is useful.

And GNU Classpath 0.91 "One for All, All for One" was release yesterday:
It is already included in Debian unstable and OpenSuse will hopefully
follow today. To give a quick demo you can also just install a recent
Ubuntu or Fedora release and show native gcj compiled eclipse, tomcat,
openoffice, etc.

Have fun,


Escape the Java Trap with GNU Classpath!

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