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[kura-dev] Modbus tcp problem


First of all, I woulf like to thanks in advance for any help or for indication where to get the information needed.

I am looking for frameworks to test a building iot application, so I started a PoC with Kura some days ago, testing with a fire panel.

At the first installation of Kura (using 3.1.0-M1), I could communicate with a panel through MODBUS/TCP - around 2 or 3 weeks ago.

But last week I did a new fresh installation (target hw is a rasperry 3), and now I am getting the following message in the log:

2017-09-01 13:34:52,982 [DefaultQuartzScheduler_Worker-5] ERROR o.e.k.i.w.a.WireAsset - ModbusDriverMessages.errorRetrievingUnitId

It seems that the driver is looking for the slave Id but do not get it. I have seen in the kura´s forum that up to some version, the modbus driver had only rtu over tcp protocol available, but as I have had success at the first installation to monitor the equipment, I presume with modbus/tcp, then I guess the error now is looking to be related with modbus rtu over tcp.

Everything else is working nicely and I tried with 3 differents simulators, and with the fire panel: modbus pal (as showed in the kura docs), simple modbus (trying option tcp and rtu over tcp), and ananas. All of them give the same error.

Also, in a second hardware target (raspberry, too), I installed Kura 3.0.0 to see if it was some compatibility issue with 3.1.0-M1, but got the same error.

I have used the ECF modbus driver available in the marketplace, for my PoC. In next step I intend to develop a driver with specific equipment needs.

And, I would like to congratulate everyone working in the framework, and the contributors. It is a very good project.



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