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[jsp-dev] Tag libraries URIs for Faces and Pages/Tags.


Both Jakarta Faces and Jakarta Pages + (standard) Tags have a concept of namespaces for its tags for usage in XML documents.

For Jakarta Faces this is e.g.


Jakarta Faces updated those namespaces once before, after Oracle acquired Sun:

    public static final String CORE_NAMESPACE = CoreLibrary.Namespace; //
    public static final String HTML_NAMESPACE = HtmlLibrary.Namespace; //

    public static final String CORE_NAMESPACE_NEW = CoreLibrary.XMLNSNamespace; //
    public static final String HTML_NAMESPACE_NEW = HtmlLibrary.XMLNSNamespace; //

Jakarta Tags uses e.g. ""

While the XML XSDs have been redefined for Jakarta, those tag URIs/namespaces still haven't afaik.

Should we go for something like "", or something else?


Kind regards,
Arjan Tijms

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