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Re: [jpa-dev] What's next for JPA?

My suggestion is beginning to bootstrap the discussion here yourself by looking at and prioritizing the existing issues together. No need to wait for anyone to get that started.

I have to admit though, I personally don't have many big ticket gaps in mind for JPA. The specification at this point feels pretty feature complete. I do know though that there are smaller scale enhancements that could be prioritized. Some of those the right end users could probably even implement by themselves.

The biggest work I think is in DeltaSpike Data. I personally don't think that is an approach that should be standardized in JPA yet (too much room for innovation left and it is very opinionated).

The only big ticket work I see in the future is non-blocking support. However it is far too early to standardize that here. That first needs to be sorted out at the Java SE and database levels.

What do others think?

Reza Rahman
Principal Program Manager
Java on Azure

Please note views expressed here are my own as an individual community member and do not reflect the views of my employer.

Sent via the Samsung Galaxy S7, an AT&T 4G LTE smartphone

-------- Original message --------
From: Behrang Saeedzadeh <behrangsa@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: 11/1/19 6:01 AM (GMT-05:00)
To: jpa-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [jpa-dev] What's next for JPA?

Hi all,

What are the current plans for the future versions of the JPA spec?

When is the next version expected?

Is there a roadmap?

What features are being discussed?

Best regards,
Behrang Saeedzadeh

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