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jetty-users Archive (Thread View - Most Recent First)
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  • [jetty-users] Cookie handling HTTPClient, Markus Joschko
  • [jetty-users] serving static content with DefaultServlet, Axel Rose
  • [jetty-users] ProxyServlet https redirect issue, Pavel Jbanov
  • [jetty-users] Continuations in Jetty 7?, Kevin Jordan
  • [jetty-users] Jetty 7 memory leak, Tony Thompson
  • Re: [jetty-users] How to get reference to object in embedding app from JSP or servlet, mb175
  • [jetty-users] Jetty7 Not Found Error (404) + WTP Adaptor for Jetty >7, Angelo zerr
  • [jetty-users] A bug of jetty with AJP connector?, Weibin Yao
  • [jetty-users] Jersey/JAX-RS and Continuations, Chris Toomey
  • [jetty-users] Pentaho Problems, Rafael Valenzuela
  • [jetty-users] Setting up jetty 7 with self signed cert, Tom Jones
  • [jetty-users] Log file rotation, Heizer, Charles
  • [jetty-users] Request for jetty 6.1.26, Simon Steeg
  • [jetty-users] How to get reference to object in embedding app from JSP or servlet, mb175
  • [jetty-users] Why would one environment deploy all of the war to /tmp but another environment deploy only the jar's from the war's WEB_INF?, Chris Markle
  • [jetty-users] Serialized access to servlet, Viktor Klang
  • [jetty-users] Embedded Jetty and Wicket, David Ehrmann
  • [jetty-users] 301 redirect of index.html, Kjell Tillstrand
  • [jetty-users] jetty 8 M1 annotation auto discover, Paulo Silveira
  • [jetty-users] Setting up Jetty 7 and multiple apps on different ports, Charles Heizer
  • [jetty-users] Continuations, workflows and Jetty, Siddhartha S
  • [jetty-users] Redirect non www version of domain to www, Boris Hamanov
  • [jetty-users] Bug - MovedContextHandler does not use 301 when permanent is true, Boris Hamanov
  • [jetty-users] Setting initParameters without web.xml, Boris Hamanov
  • [jetty-users] Stopping server startup, Benson Margulies
  • [jetty-users] org.mortbay properties, Jesse McConnell
  • [jetty-users] running jetty within eclipse, Fernando Padilla
  • [jetty-users] Jetty 7 and knopflerfish 3, L. Mollea
  • [jetty-users] HTTPS with client certificate, Max Larsson
  • [jetty-users] Jetty 7 to run as a windows service, paul . mckenzie
  • [jetty-users] Jetty Deadlock between acceptor thread and connection handling thread?, Zach Bailey
  • [jetty-users] LD_LIBRARY_PATH versus jetty, Benson Margulies
  • [jetty-users] Fwd: plain old java project in eclipse for jetty, Miten Mehta
  • [jetty-users] Configuring Jetty running inside Equinox, Stephen McCants
  • [jetty-users] Jetty client fails with ArrayIndexOutOfBoundException if request header size is greater than the one configured, Hrishikesh Sirpotdar
  • [jetty-users] Jetty really not Java EE compatible?, Ben Stover
  • [jetty-users] How does Jetty compare with Tomcat, Ben Stover

  • Mail converted by MHonArc

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