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Re: [jetty-users] Jetty-OSGi is not starting the webapp

On Sat, 2010-12-04 at 10:26 +0100, Dmytro Pishchukhin wrote:
> Hi Renier,
> you can download attachments to this issue:

Hi Dmytro,

Thanks, though that bug report is about the web application not stopping
using jetty 7.2. My problem is my web application won't start using
jetty 7.1.6 (from the helios update site - no aggregate bundle there).
Don't think it is the same problem.

However, I think I've managed to get may run configuration right, just
that I know get a 404 error when I go to the web application's url. So
Jetty is starting now (port 8080 is active), but just not picking up my
web application.

If anyone has any tips on how to debug this, I'll appreciate. Thanks.


> On Sat, Dec 4, 2010 at 04:35, Renier Morales <renierm@xxxxxxxxxx>
> wrote:
>         Hi,
>         Having problems making Jetty-OSGi start my webapp. Does anyone
>         have a
>         launch configuration they can share for the example at
> ?
>         I've gone through the link above and the WebApp section in the
>         OSGi
>         specification, but can't get the webapp up. It's like Jetty is
>         not
>         starting the server. I do get a message in the console:
>         osgi> No default jetty started.
>         Returning defaultJettyServer  = null
>         I'm using Eclipse 3.6 and a managed target that is using the
>         helios
>         update site, with the Equinox and Jetty components features
>         enabled.
>         I've made sure the bundle has a proper WEB-INF/web.xml and
>         that
>         META-INF/MANIFEST.MF has the Web-ContextPath header. Really,
>         just trying
>         to follow the tutorial. Has anyone encountered a similar
>         problem?
>         Manifest-Version: 1.0
>         Bundle-ManifestVersion: 2
>         Bundle-Name: webapp
>         Bundle-SymbolicName:
>         Bundle-Version: 1.0.1
>         Import-Package: org.osgi.framework,
>          javax.servlet;version="2.5.0",
>          javax.servlet.http;version="2.5.0"
>         Web-ContextPath: /web
>         Bundle-ActivationPolicy: lazy
>         WEB-INF/web.xml:
>         <?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
>         <web-app
>           xmlns="";
>           xmlns:xsi="";
>           xsi:schemaLocation="
>           version="2.5">
>           <display-name>Webapp</display-name>
>         </web-app>
>         Plain web descriptor since I only have static content for now.
>         So no
>         servlets yet. I should still be able to see static content
>         from the root
>         of the bundle, correct?
>         Any tips will be appreciated,
>                -Renier
>         _______________________________________________
>         jetty-users mailing list
>         jetty-users@xxxxxxxxxxx

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