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Re: [jetty-users] TLS ALPN ACME Lets Encrypt challange


On Thu, Dec 1, 2022 at 11:57 AM Info <info@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Hi,
> a short update, I got everything up and running as you have stated with
> the default Jetty classes in combination with SPI FLY, the startup level
> of the bundles did the trick.
> I only had to override the OpenJDK8ServerALPNProcessor because the
> implemented Jetty class in my used version does not handle the JDK
> internal ALPN classes correctly.

What does this mean exactly?
OpenJDK8ServerALPNProcessor works fine in OSGi, so you should not need
to override anything.

> Also the correct Jetty XML configuration had me chasing my tail.
> I now have the h2 and the acme-tls/1 protocols configured for ALPN and I
> have registered an ACMEServerConnectionFactory with connection like you
> suggested:

I have never suggested to register an ACMEServerConnectionFactory.
I repeatedly said that you don't need it.

> My understanding of the ACME TLS-ALPN-01 using ACME4J is as follows:
> A cron job creates a ACME4j session object. A session is used to track
> the communication with the ACME server (without creating a new account).
> ACME4J uses an internal HttpURLConnection for communication with a CA
> provider like Lets Encrypt.
> Login to your provider account with the location URL and the KeyPair
> using the ACME4J session object to get your account.
> Then I can create an order for a new certificate which then contains a
> Authorization that has to be processed if in PENDING state.
> This Authorization then contains the challenges from which i will select
> the TlsAlpn01Challenge .
> I create a self signed certificate using the byte array from the
> challenge and configure Jetty 443 port with this (question: how to do that).

You can start a shell script that uses Java's keytool, or use the Java
BouncyCastle APIs like we do in KeystoreGenerator.

> Then trigger the challenge and let Jetty respond to multiple TLS
> requests with the ALPN extension acme-tls/1 until the Authorization
> status is VALID.
> Question, what response? I guess the generated key pair is the answer
> the CA is waiting for not needing to complete the handshake? Or does it
> need to complete the handshake?

The ACME server opens a connection to the TLS server (Jetty), Jetty
completes the TLS handshake, then closes the connection.
That is the "response": the bytes exchanged in the TLS handshake.

Simone Bordet
Developer advice, training, services and support
from the Jetty & CometD experts.

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