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Re: [jetty-users] Re: NPE in WebSocketServlet


Jetty is meant to hide most of it's implementation classes from
the webapp.  WebSocket is an exception to that "rule".

I'll have to check if the jetty-maven-plugin has been updated
to handle that.

thanks for the feedback.


Sven Jacobs wrote:
> 2010/3/2 Sven Jacobs <sven.jacobs@xxxxxx <mailto:sven.jacobs@xxxxxx>>
>     The problem seems to be running the application from NetBeans with
>     the jetty-maven-plugin. If I deploy my application to a standalone
>     Jetty it works!
> I get the impression that the source of the problem may be class loading
> issues. For example if I set the dependency org.eclipse.jetty.websockets
> in the pom.xml of my project to scope "provided" and then try to run the
> app with "mvn jetty:run" I get
> java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/eclipse/jetty/websocket/WebSocketServlet
> Shouldn't Jetty provide all the dependencies?
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