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[jdt-ui-dev] Extending the JUnit test creation wizard

I would appreciate some advice regarding the best approach to extending the JUnit test creation wizard.  I am the author of the SpringUnit test framework (, for which an Eclipse plug-in I wrote facilitates the creation of new test cases.


This task proved to be very unsatisfying because 1) it seemed require accessing internal fields and methods not meant for extension; 2) it took six weeks of spare-time effort to accomplish; and 3) it resulted in a buggy product sensitive to the order in which the user chooses to enter data in fields.  The first iteration supported JUnit3; I now want to extend it to support JUnit4.  Before (if) I undertake this, I seek input from the Eclipse plug-in development community about the best way to proceed.


Am I correct that many of the extension points I need are currently unavailable for extension?  If so, can these be opened up?  Is there any possibility that the code base can be refactored into smaller, more-understandable components?  In general, what steps can I take, and what help is available to me?


Thanks in advance.


Ted Velkoff


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