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[jdt-ui-dev] request for comments on test grid draft for M2

hi all, 
attached is the test grid draft for thursday
if you have comments - write them to this list or to myself.
otherwise this is the grid we're going to use on the test day this week 
(i will send another note with the final version once we have it)

and, thanks to Mariano for volunteering to help in testing!
Title: Test grid for 3.0 M2

Test-Fix Pass milestone M2

(draft 15th July)

Quick Diff (Tobias, Andre)

  • preference page (color settings etc)
  • editor ruler context menu (enable/disable, quick diff reference)
  • hover on quick diff ranges (should display the original source)
  • revert block, revert line, restore deleted lines, delete added lines

Smart Brace (Dirk, Markus, Mariano)

  • try to fool it on various cases, verify anonymous class creation cases,
  • new method, class etc creation, entring braces in String literals etc.

Quick Assist Light bulb (Randy, Dani)

  • verify that it appears iff it needs to (i.e. when quick assist is available)
  • check impact on editor performance (try to come up with scenarios, if possible, that make the editor slower with the option enabled)
  • check user experience (turn the option on and do things that require using the vertical ruler (e.g. search, set breakpoints, bookmarks))

Create Constructors using Fields (Adam, Tom)

Javadoc View, Declaration View (Tom, Randy)

  • check what they display, when they display it and how they display it
  • check usability (e.g. how (if) using them makes you faster when navigating source code)

Editor linking to Members view, outline, declarations view, javadoc view (Martin, Andre)

  • check that correct things are selected in the view basing on the current editor selection (change the selection in various ways: keyboard, mouse, structured selection actions, go to next member action etc.)

Rename Refactoring (Kai, Dani)

  • verify that it is availble on all elements where it should be available (projects, source folders, package, folders, files, compilation units, types, fields, methods, local variables) and that the correct rename dialog appears when the action is invoked (NOTE: there's no need to verify that the refactorings actually work, because no code has been changed in that area.)

Compiler Preference page (Dani, Dirk)

  • verify new layout usability and accessibility
  • verify new options (superfluous semicolon, indirect access to static members)

Extract Method duplicate code detection (Adam, Kai)

  • verify that it detects duplicate code iff necessary
  • try fooling it by changing temp names etc.

Code assist in Quick Fix/Assist proposals (Andre, Randy)

  • verify that your offered multiple names for new temps, fields, method arguments etc. (e.g. after assigning statement 'new ArrayList();' to a new variable, 'list' and 'arrayList' should be offerred)

Cycle in linked mode (Tobias, Randy)

  • linked mode supports cycling thru linked ranges now. verify that by using linked mode when entering templates and using quick fix/assist

Reorg (Martin, Markus)

(major restructuring happened here: needs good shakedown)
  • test on various elements and combinations of elements (both source and destination) ( elements are: non-java projects, closed projects, java projects, source folders, class folders, archives (external and internal), packages, files, folders, compilation units, types, methods, fields, import containers, import declarations, package declarations, initializers
  • copy/move things from various views to various views and editors, also the OS desktop or windows explorer
  • test with read only elements
  • verify that it asks for overwriting when necessary
  • verify that you're offered to update references when appropriate (moving cus or types to another package)
  • test on unsaved files, cus with compile errors

copy to clipboard/paste from clipboard
  • verify enablement, function (it should do the same as dnd (copy))
drag and drop
  • verify enablement, function (it should do the same as copy to clipboard/paste)
  • test both copy and move drag and drop
refactor > move
  • verify enablement, function

Extract Interface/Use supertype where possible (Kai, Dani)

  • it was completely rewritten - try fooling it on some test program (be aware of a known memory problem, though - it needs a lot of memory for analysis)

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