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[jdt-ui-dev] Test grid for milestone M1

Enclosed the test grid for M1 testing


(See attached file: milestone_1.html)
Title: Fix Pass

Test-Fix Pass milestone M1

Quick Fix/Quick Assist (Kai-Uwe, Randy)

  • mismatching parameters:
    • remove/add/swap arguments
    • remove/add/replace/swap parameters of referenced method or constructor
  • missing return type: guess variable to return
  • unneeded variable, parameter and private members: remove corresponding write accesses

Delete (Dirk, Martin)

  • test deleting all sorts of different elements like projects, source folders, packages, compilation units, members, normal resources and linked elements.
  • test deleting read-only files.
  • check accessibility of new dialog(s) (see document Designing Accessible Plug-ins in Eclipse)

Browsing (Dirk, Tom)

  • views follow caret position if "Linked with Editor" is enabled in view menu.

Code Manipulation (Andre, Adam)

  • check accessibility (see document Designing Accessible Plug-ins in Eclipse) of new dialogs.
  • Generate Getter/Setter
    • insertion point, sort by, access modifiers, comment generation, ...
    • code templates for getter and setter
  • Generate Delegate Methods
    • new function: insertion point, comment generation
  • Add Unimplemented Constructors
    • constructor selection UI.
  • Override/Implement Methods
    • new function: insertion point, comment generation

Refactoring (Adam)

  • Inline method: locals where generated for parameters and return values even though not needed. Local should only be generated to avoid side effects.

Type Hierarchy (Kai-Uwe, Randy)

  • structured view (Ctrl+T)
    • test for type, method and package

Caller/Callee view (Tom, Dani)

Java Editor (Martin, Erich)

  • insert and smart insert mode (use Insert key to toggle between the modes)
  • in smart insert mode test (to enable smart typing go to Preferences->Java->Work in Progress):
    • smart semicolon (inserts semicolon at end of line)
    • smart open brace (closing brace is now inserted on enter).
  • delayed synchronization of Outliner with caret position
  • range indication synchronizes with caret positions (must be enabled via editor preferences)

JUnit (Tom, Dani)

  • stepping through test failures
  • test new JUNIT_HOME variable. When creating a new test case with the test case wizard then the user has the option to put JUNIT_HOME on the build class path.

MAC (Andre)

  • test update manager on startup.

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