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[jdt-ui-dev] How to connect a view with a programmatically launched program?


I have written a launcher for Eclipse that (basically) launches a JUnit-Runner (derived from org.junit.runner.BaseTestRunner). Now, how can I display information from that runner (say about failing/passing tests) in the workbench that originally started the LaunchDelegate? I am thinking of creating a new view for this runner _and_ for the workbench that originally started it. I'd like to have _one_ view that displays information about both programs. I think that you do the same with your JUnit launcher, but I cannot see, where the actual connection between the workbench and the runner takes place. Could you point me to the source-files I'd have to look at or describe the general idea behind it, please?

Thanks for the help, and happy Easter,
Philipp Bouillon

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