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[jdt-ui-dev] Re: Callers/Callees view release

it's out there in the open - in our cvs, that is

integrate in 2.1? i'm not sure, because that code lives in the 2.2
development stream
i guess you can simply use the original Jesper's plugin which intergates
with 2.1

ps. naturally, it will be available in the first integration build of 2.2
stream and in the first stable build. (and so on..)

             "Xavier DONAT"                                                
             om>                                                        To 
                                       Adam Kiezun/Zurich/IBM@IBMCH        
             04/15/2003 03:54                                           cc 
                                       Callers/Callees view release        


I followed the thread on Callers/Callees view and I am glad to see the nice

collaboration leaded to the release of the code.
Can you tell me where I could get it ? This is a very usefull feature that
can't wait to integrate in my Eclipse 2.1 !!
Thanx a lot.

Xavier Donat
Avisto S.A.

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