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[jdt-ui-dev] 2.1-M2 Test Plan

Here is the test plan for 2.1-M2. The list consist mainly of new features
introduced since last milestone build.
Drop me a line if you have questions.
Naturally, please test on the latest I-20021016.

Note: if you find a major bug please notify the owner and Erich (via


-"Edit Working Set..." in JDT view menus
- presentation of extra markers in editor
      color of squiggly lines
      appearance in overview ruler
- new Quick fixes
      Fix usage of non visible methods/ fields, types and imports
      Fix access of instance variables in static contexts
      Fix for abstract methods in non-abstract types
      Fix type has unimplemented abstract methods
      Fix to add additional catch clauses for uncaught exceptions

- 16022: Make the left margin of the editor more useful
- test hover which provides source (activate Ctrl+Mouse)
- change Signature refactoring
- navigation history
- new indication of special comments (in editor, task list and overview
      also change preferences

- Smart Line Start/End (including preferences)
- Inline Method - new refactoring.
- Extract Constant refactoring
- navigation history (<- , ->)

- enable 'organize imports' on source folders and projects
- support for CTRL-A
- use Supertype Where Possible refactoring
- new coloring preferences of Java Editor
- reordering of parameters in extract method refactoring

- random testing

- smart closing of brackets
- verify all PRs claimed to be fixed for 2.1 M2 (with Markus)
      - don't forget Search, Compare and Text components

- JUnit launch configuration - support for creating a configuration that
runs all tests inside a package, source folder or projects.
- new icon for empty package
- new coloring preferences of Java Editor

- create a small sample application/plug-in from Scratch
- verify all PRs claimed to be fixed for 2.1 M2 (with Jennifer)
      don't forget Search, Compare and Text components

- navigation history (<- , ->)
- refactorings
      - eating code assist, including visual indication of to be replaced
      - Inline Method - new refactoring.
      -  Extract Constant refactoring
      - Change Signature refactoring

- reordering of parameters in extract method refactoring
- help Markus and Jennifer if not yet done

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