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Re: [jdt-dev] Update compiler.batch for 4.30

Just wanted to note that JDT has a github discussions channel here:

it might be more appropriate/focused for user questions and discussions instead of the dev-mailing list where many people are registered, you can also easily mark an answer there or reference parts of the code, share pictures and so on...

Am 11.12.23 um 08:12 schrieb Alexander Kriegisch via jdt-dev:
Oh, damn, I just checked:

$ git log -1 R4_30
commit 47bb6022608d9c4cff8254e4529ca82566b9f9b4 (...)
Author: Andrey Loskutov <loskutov@xxxxxx>
Date:   Thu Nov 16 11:24:17 2023 +0100

     Too many compiler regression tests on Java 21 SDK build


I.e., string templates were actually merged in *after* the 4.30 release.
It was my mistake to think that they were in. But I saw them in the logs
close to the release date, so I thought they made it in. I was unaware
of the fact that a much older commit was declared the official 4.30
release. Anyway, I think that 4.30 users will be eager to get release
updates related to Java 21, not just string templates but later also the
still unmerged unnamed classes and unnamed patterns/variables. I.e., the
question about 4.40 maintenance updates is still valid.

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