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[jdt-debug-dev] StackFrames and Variables

In the course of trying to record some information when debugging I have an implementation of IJavaBreakpointListener. When my JavaMethodBreakpoints are hit I simply printout some information to the console. My breakpoints have been set up to not suspend execution of the debugee.

I have the following code to print out some information:

("<METHOD=\""+breakpoint.getMarker().getAttribute("METHOD").toString()+"\" ");

("SIGNATURE=\""+breakpoint.getMarker().getAttribute("SIG").toString()+"\" ");


IJavaStackFrame[] frames = (IJavaStackFrame[]) thread.getStackFrames();
  for(int i=0;i<frames.length;i++){
      List variables = frames[i].getArgumentTypeNames();
      Iterator iter = variables.iterator();
	    ("<VARIABLE =\"""\"/>");

This is contained in my breakpointHit(..) method that always returns a result of IJavaBreakpointListener.DONT_SUSPEND. However this code seems to suspend the execution of the debugee. I launch the debugee by using the Debug As.. button in the Run-time Workbench, before this would execute the debugee without suspending the execution when the breakpoints were hit.

How can I get the information from StackFrames, Variables and their Values without suspending the execution of the debugee?

TIA for any help anyone can provide


(Note: I know the information for method/signature can be returned from the breakpoint itself, however I have annotated other information to the marker that I use it's just not shown here)

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