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Re: [jdt-debug-dev] Changing the Existing Functionalities of JDT provided by eclipse

> I need to implement the model debugger which is for my
> MDA tool which was devoleped on eclipse.
> For this i need to change the existing functionalities
> of JDT(Eclipse provided debugger).

Changing the way the Eclipse debugger works is not the suggested approach. 
In this case it sounds like you could "wrapper" our Java debugger with an 
"adapter" debugger that performs your special processing. That is you 
would create your own IDebugTarget that has an underlying "Java" debug 
target (IJavaDebugTarget), etc.
> Is it possible to change the following functionalities
> of JDT :
> 1.Step Functions of debugger (instead of suspending
> and resueming on source code i want to have it on
> diagram)
> ( I already have the mapping between the source code
> and diagram as to where the control should stop on
> source code when the user sets the breakpoint on the
> diagram.)

Your "adapter" debugger would implement IStep by instucting the underlying 
Java debugger where to step to. This could be done by inserting 
breakpoints (invisible to the user), or by performing multiple steps in 
the Java debugger for one step in your debugger (it's an implementation 
> 2. Can we make JDT not to display the Source code and
> only show the Model diagram to the end user during the
> debugging process.

You can control what is displayed for source code (editor) via an 
IDebugModelPresentation. Your debugger would provide its own model 
presentation that in turn provides an editor input and editor ID for a 
stack frame. As well, you can position/highlight your editor as requried 
by implementing IDebugEditorPresentation in your model presentation.


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