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[jdt-debug-dev] where is the jdt debugger is called in Launch() method

hi all...
Thanks for the replying for the query posted by me on
i have read the articals on debug in 
but  still my doubt remains as how/where the Lauch()
method will call the jdt debugger.

i wanted to know this since i will want to have my own
model debugger, which will be different in
functionality then from that of jdt debugger.
so plz can any one just explain me where actauly does
this jdt debugger is called in launch().

is my understading ok in this regard:

my understanding:

1.For different debug thier is an different VM setup .
2.if we are devolping a new debugger then we have to
have our own VM setup.

3. we have to have our own class like
AbstractJavaLaunchConfigurationDelegate class which
will verify for the different config parametrs.

4. the VMsetup will have its own VMrunner which will
launch my application under different mode.
 plz let me know if my understanding is currect

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