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[jdt-debug-dev] Required plug-ins

This might be a dumb question, but can someone remind me why the list of 
"required plugins" in our plugins doesn't match the plugins listed in the 
.classpath file of our projects? For example, org.eclipse.jdt.debug lists
as "required plugins" in the plugin.xml file, but in the .classpath, it 

I ask because I spent some time this afternoon experimenting with the way our 
plugins are set up. Instead of maintaining explicit entries in the .classpath 
file, I'd like to use PDE's "references plugins" library entry. This would 
allow us to create our workspaces without importing binary plugins. Instead, 
PDE would just use the plugins in a specified location. By default, it 
references the plugins in your host, so it would mean no work. But it allows 
for customization when you want to compile against a different set of plugins 
in the PDE "Target Platform" preference page.

This seems like a happy story, but when I switch to it I get errors because 
the missing plugins in our "requires" section (core.runtime and core.boot 
above) aren't there.

- Jared

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