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[jdt-debug-dev] RE: how to "import" a shared launch configuration


Lets say I work in a team with 10 persons. I create a launch configuration
called "startserver", make it a shared configuration and store it under
<projectdir>/cfg/startserver.launch. Because I want to share the configuration
I checkin this file into the source-code-control system I am using.

The next day the other 10 people sync and find that new file <projectdir>/cfg/startserver.launch
on their machines. 

Now my question: How do the other 10 people add this configuration to their
configurations. When they start eclipse the see the file <projectdir>/cfg/startserver.launch
in their Resource-Perspective ... but of cours when they open the "Run" dialog
the "startserver" configuration does not yet appear. What do the people have
to do to be able to use my configuration.

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