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[jdt-debug-dev] proposal for JavaJRETab

hello people who make this wonderful product,

for my own LaunchConfigurationType I use the class
org.eclipse.jdt.debug.ui.launchConfigurations.JavaJRETab. I have to
check whether the JRE is a JDK. The only way I see, to do this is to
subclass and then use the attributes fJRECombo and fVMStandins to
determine the selected JRE and check it. I know the class is not
intended to be subclassed but it offers no interface to determine the
selected JRE. That can only be determined after performApply was called.
I propose a method like getSelectedJRE() for JavaJRETab.


Hans Dockter
fon: ++49-30-44024684
fax: ++49-30-44024685
Thaerstr. 18, 10249 Berlin, Germany

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