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[jdt-debug-dev] Re: [eclipse-dev] Integration build OK for test pass tomorrow

Discussion regarding our current test failure:
On Monday 16 December 2002 07:23 pm, you wrote:
> So what is the scoop?

Not much. After you left I went into Seth's office to try running the tests 
and I got the problem. The only difference was that I launched Eclipse on IBM 
1.3.1. The test failed until I commented out the other methods in the class 
(I also changed the AutomatedSuite to only run the MiscBreakpointTests). With 
the other methods commented out, the problem method started passing. I played 
around with it some more, and then the failures started to become sporadic. 
After a while, the test started passing most of the time even with the other 
methods present.

Long story short, I didn't gain any useful insight into the problem. I at 
least managed to note that the compiler error was present in the tasks view 
even when the test fails, so the problem doesn't appear to be the core 
problem that we got last time.

- Jared

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