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[jdt-core-dev] getting started

   My research group is interested in adding hooks to the JDT compiler to allow comment parsers to influence the creation of the AST and to allow later compiler stages to modify the AST before code generation.  We think we have determined the few places in the code that changes are needed to accomplish this. 
   Our question is where to start:  The source code for all of Eclipse is available, and the Ant-driven build procedure takes about half an hour.  That doesn't seem to be what we should be using.
   What is the standard way of doing development on the JDT? Is there a procedure that will build just the JDT core?
Is there documentation for those new to JDT development?  I have searched but have so far been unsuccessful.
   Thanks in advance for your help,
Perry James
Ph.D. Candidate
Dependable Software Research Group
Department of Computer Science & Software Engineering
Concordia University
Montreal, Canada

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