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[jaxrs-dev] More detailed response

>Markus wrote:
>as our spec lead did not react upon my private mails, and as no progress had been made by anybody in the JAX-
>RS project, I informed the PMC that hereby kick-off work on this project.

 This is absolutely not true. On Jan 27th, Bill S. responded to you that we were working on moving the issues. I responded to your message about the git log on Feb 5th. On Feb 13th, you went ahead and cleaned up what you described as a “mess”, just two commit messages.
>It looks as if the code is here, no more branches will come, and all issues are here, too. Hence, we do not have
>to wait for anything else. As Oracle has to do other stuff (as in the past years), we have to chime in!
>The PMC's first goal is to push out an EF-provided Java EE 8 compatible release of JAX-RS API 2.1. So here
> we go!
 Yes, and that process was discussed on the 16th, a few days *after* you sent this message.

> (2) Add issues for JAX-RS 2.1 (= Java EE 8) and JAX-RS 2.1.1 (= MR 1) to the tracker if you have some on
> stack.

 When was JAX-RS 2.1.1 decided/discussed? 
>(4) While apparently we all have full write access to master, we should apply Four-Eyes-Principle. Hence, I 
> would propose that nobody pushes against master directly, but we open PRs against master and nobody merges 
> his own PRs. So at least one other committer has to be convinced of the usefulness. Or better two or three, asthis 
> is a spec project. ;-)

 See link above. There are PMC guidelines being decided, and we should follow those.
> (6) ASAP we should vote for a new project lead, as he is completely unresponsive for weeks, and nobody else has administrative rights 
> on GitHub.
 Again, this is completely untrue.

— Santiago

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