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Re: [jakartaee-tck-dev] Jakarta Platform TCK branching...

On 6/29/21 5:52 PM, Scott Marlow wrote:

We currently have the following Platform TCK branches:

  • 9.0.x [1] - was last used for handling Jakarta EE 9 TCK challenges.  I expect to use the 9.1.x [2] branch for any further EE 9 TCK challenges. 
  • 9.1.x [2] - should be used for handling Jakarta EE 9.1 TCK challenges.  Could also be used for any future 9.x minor releases (e.g. to create a 9.2.x branch if that is ever needed). 
  • master [3] - should be used for developing our changes for the next Platform release (e.g. Jakarta EE Platform 10). 


  1. Do we need the 9.0.x branch [1] for anything at this point?  If not, I suggest that we archive [4] the 9.0.x branch.
  2. Is anyone against renaming the `master` branch [3] to something else like `main`?  Any other name suggestions?
  3. Is anyone against moving (Jakarta EE Platform 10) TCK testing to somewhere else other than our Platform TCK CI [5] system?  This would simplify the EE development process for the Platform TCK team and also ensure that no EE implementation is treated as a reference implementation in the future (as much as possible).  (Future) TCK challenge processing would likely need some changes for how we validate TCK challenges but that is likely easy enough to deal with.

Regarding #1, the 9.0.x branch is archived. 

Moving forward to EE 10, we can consider two separate development branches:

- Refactoring branch (e.g. perhaps `refactor`) that can initially test with Jakarta EE 9.1 for testing Junit, TestNG, Arquillian changes.  By keeping this branch on EE 9.1 we will be assured that tests should pass 100%.
- Master (or whatever we call it as per #2) branch that can sync up EE 10 Spec API changes later in fall (and `refactor` branch when complete).  By keeping this branch on the legacy TCK test facilities, we can initially test EE 10 Spec implementations before we merge in `refactor` branch changes.  If we don't finish the refactoring changes for the EE 10 release, we wouldn't merge the changes.  We do plan to complete the TCK refactoring changes but the main advantage of the branching is to keep the ability to run TCK tests throughout the EE 10 release.



[3] (master)

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