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Re: [jakartaee-tck-dev] [Jakarta EE TCK Community call] Sept 18, 2020

Sorry all, the call + demo got hacked during the call and we ended it.  :(

On 9/18/20 9:37 AM, Scott Marlow wrote:

We are meeting at 9am PST (noon EST) today.  The agenda [1] lists the details for calling in (also pasted here as [2][3].

Assuming we have the zoom recorder working today, it will be recorded. We will have a few slides [4] as well and a small demo as well!

The slides are titled "The 2020 virtual internals tour" which reflects the idea of starting a series of recordings that describe the current Platform TCK internals.  It currently only has my name but I very much want to have other names on today's slides, if someone else wants to contribute, send me a private email and I will give you edit permissions.



[2] Call Access Public: Meeting ID: 959 6037 2434 Passcode: 926036



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