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Re: [jakartaee-tck-dev] Is there a requirement for Standalone TCKs to run against Web Profile? Changes for handling optional technologies moved to Jakarta EE 9...

On 9/4/20 9:59 AM, Scott Marlow wrote:

I think that some (Jakarta EE 9) Standalone TCKs could be run against a Web Profile/Full Platform Jakarta EE 9 server implementation, however, I do not believe that the CDI Standalone TCK needs to distinguish as to whether it is being tested with a Web Profile vs Full Platform server.

This came up in discussion regarding GlassFish issue#23184 [1] and Lukas stated:
The basic question is whether SOAP is mandatory feature of web-profile.

IMO, questioning whether the CDI TCK classes that reference jakarta.jws.WebService classes which are considered optional [2] for the Jakarta EE 9 Platform is a very valid point (despite [1] possibly being a legit GlassFish Web Profile bug, as non-web-services tests also fail when references the class when scanning annotations during deployment).

I'm thinking that Lukas is right and the CDI TCK [3] should exclude tests that depend on since such tests are optional for Jakarta EE 9 Full Platform + Web Profile implementations.

Correction, CDI TCK [3] should exclude tests that depend on jakarta.jws.WebService + the *.wsdl files.

IMO, I think that the next step should be creating a issue to remove dependencies on + *.wsdl files but also being careful to keep the non-web-services test code in the CDI TCK.  The issue should mention that as per [2], the following technlogies were moved from Java SE 8 to Jakarta EE 9 as optional:
- Jakarta XML Binding
- Jakarta XML Web Services
- Jakarta Web Services Metadata
- Jakarta SOAP with Attachments

[4] is a similar issue to make the new technologies optional for the Jakarta EE 9 Platform TCK via the



[1] (Open Outstanding failures in cditck-porting tests with glassfish 6 web profile)




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