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Re: [jakartaee-tck-dev] database derbyDB was not found error during Platform TCK run

On 6/15/20 6:49 PM, Ed Bratt wrote:
The stand-alone persistence TCK is passing at 100% (yay that!).


successful log is at [1] below.

It looks like the resource adapter code might not yet be fully Jakartafied. It also appears there are still a few javax references in some of the TCK XML definition files. (I saw a separate note about that. Maybe this is being addressed?)

Yes, that is possible. has the list of some of the XML schemas. Although since the (non-container based) JPA tests are passing for Standalone JPA TCK, some of them should also pass when running in Platform TCK.

It does appear that the JPA TCK has the JDBC driver classes on the test classpath before the JDK tools.jar.

I wonder if ${JAVA_HOME}/../lib/tools.jar${pathsep} should be at the end of the Platform TCK classpath, not that there should be a conflict.


Looking at the console log for the puservlet stage [2] (be careful before you download this too many times, this is a 175MB log file), one will see deployment failures, just ahead of the JPA failure listed in this issue. I think we can ignore the stop-domain failures.

deploy.all.rars target seems to fail, leading to BUILD FAILED (Line 4591) but I don't know if that's relevant.

At line 5497, we see the jpa_core_annotations deployment failures

Backing up a little, at line 5462, the following is reported:

   [runcts] OUT => [javatest.batch] 7197: [2020-06-14T11:04:55.697+0000] [glassfish 6.0] [WARNING] [poolmgr.create_resource_error] [] [tid: _ThreadID=53 _ThreadName=AutoDeployer] [timeMillis: 1592132695697] [levelValue: 900] [[

Note, the reference to _javax_.enterprise.resource.resourceadapter. ...

Further down, in the snippet of the GlassFish Domain log, you can see several references to These start at line 5622.

Looking backward, I see javax in several command arguments for the ant run command (line 5278).

Also, one line up from the first  RAR5038 error, on line 5652, you can also see another javax.enterprise.resource .... "create_resource_error."

I'd check to be sure these javax references are intentional.

Maybe this helps?

Log files referenced:



On 6/15/2020 11:49 AM, Scott Marlow wrote:

We are getting JPA TCK failures connecting to Derby [1].

The Derby classes + version information is shown in the start of the TCK run, we seem to successfully run the init.derby task.

The test failure is shown at [2].  Any idea why we are getting this error?


[1] RAR5038:Unexpected exception while creating resource for pool cts-derby-pool. Exception : jakarta.resource.spi.ResourceAllocationException: Connection could not be allocated because: The connection was refused because the database derbyDB was not found.


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