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Re: [jakartaee-tck-dev] JAF TCK status for Jakarta EE 9 + jaf-tck/issue#8

On May 5, 2020, at 7:57 PM, Ed Bratt <ed.bratt@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:


The issue implies it is ready for submission, but it has no yet been put on ballot. At best, we could say this is a proposed submission. I think you might have identified a bit more work to do (change some of the property names, for example).

I don't know if Jakarta Activation is going to need a porting kit, or not. (We use porting kits for a few other specifications: CDI, DI, BV).

Since this was presumed available in Java SE in SE 8 and lower, the requirement to run this TCK needs to be added to the Jakarta EE Platform TCK user guide.  The requirement for this component must also be added to the Platform Specification. I realize this isn't a TCK issue, but we need to make sure this happens.

Presumably we will need a similar set of decisions and action plan for Jakarta XML Binding and any of the other changes from Java SE (or our pruning, or our designation as optional).

My presumption would be (and feel free to correct me) we do not want to add any of these TCK tests into the Jakarta EE Platform TCK.

Yes no need to do that.  This was always a standalone TCK and if a Java EE licensee included their own implementation, they ran the standalone TCK.  I do not see a reason to alter from that for Jakarta EE

The Platform team may need to decide if there are additional test modes for different requirements (for example, the JMS stand-alone TCK has about 900 tests; the jms stage in the Platform TCK has about 3500 test results). I don't think that's expected, but someone needs to formally decide and then document this.

JAF is a bit different. JMS, just like JPA had additional requirements when run within a Java EE platform vs. when run in a standalone environment.  While many tests are shared, CTS added additional tests to validate the required compliance in the various containers and transaction modes.

SAAJ, JAXWS previously had tests included in CTS,  JAXB did not.  JAXB TCK was always run standalone when licensees included their own implementation.


I'll check with some others to see if there were proposals/plans already in place and follow up.

If anyone has details on this or it's already written up, please jump in here.


-- Ed

On 5/5/2020 12:13 PM, Scott Marlow wrote:

On Tue, May 5, 2020 at 2:57 PM Scott Marlow <smarlow@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

Is the JAF TCK ready for Jakarta EE 9?  Does anyone have instructions on how Jakarta EE 9 implementations will run that?  Could "how to run" instructions be added to the jaf-tck repo [1]?  If they are already there, I missed them.

jaf-tck/issues#8 [2] is for setting up an Eclipse CI job for doing a release, as well as snapshot builds.

Any volunteers to help with that?


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