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Re: [jakartaee-tck-dev] Rep for Platform TCK status?

"Is there anything else needed in terms of Platform TCK changes for EE 9?"

One of our developers was asking today if there was a plan to cover the new versions of deployment descriptors in the TCK for EE 9 either through updating some existing tests or adding a few new ones just to validate that the new headers and XSD worked correctly. I hadn't seen it discussed previously, so thought I would ask the group.


Brian Decker
Rochester Blizzard
Jakarta Platform TCK Lead

Home Office
(612) 216-4881
Roch. Office
t/l 553-4686

Inactive hide details for Scott Marlow ---04/15/2020 02:08:57 PM---On Wed, Apr 15, 2020 at 2:30 PM Kevin Sutter <sutter@xxxxxx.Scott Marlow ---04/15/2020 02:08:57 PM---On Wed, Apr 15, 2020 at 2:30 PM Kevin Sutter <sutter@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote: > Hi,

From: Scott Marlow <smarlow@xxxxxxxxxx>
To: jakartaee-tck developer discussions <jakartaee-tck-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: 04/15/2020 02:08 PM
Subject: [EXTERNAL] Re: [jakartaee-tck-dev] Rep for Platform TCK status?
Sent by: jakartaee-tck-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx

On Wed, Apr 15, 2020 at 2:30 PM Kevin Sutter <sutter@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
    On yesterday's Jakarta EE Steering Committee call, we determined that it would be good to get a short status update on the Platform TCK progress.  We already have myself on the agenda for the overall Jakarta EE 9 release progress, and we are inviting Payara/Fujitsu to represent the Glassfish Compatible Implementation progress.  The other piece of the puzzle is the Platform TCK.  Is there somebody from this Platform TCK team that would be interested in representing the progress at our weekly meetings?

Good idea, if no one else gives the status at the platform call, I can.

What are the remaining steps for producing the platform TCK?  I think it is something like:

1.  Complete the javax => jakarta class namespace changes.
2.  Remove pruned technology tests.
3.  Update signature tests for JDK 8/11.
4.  Update TCK tests for JDK 11 (optional?)
5.  Update scripts to copy Jakarta EE 9 spec api jars from GlassFish.
6.  Update Jenkins CI jobs to release 9.0.0 platform TCK.

Is there anything else needed in terms of Platform TCK changes for EE 9?

I think that we should start tracking the remaining tasks via


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