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Re: [jakartaee-tck-dev] Breaking revert change

Hi Olivier/Mark,

My changes are present under and the has been merged to repo. Same can be found under ( ).

Rohit Jain

On 12/13/2019 1:22 PM, Mark Thomas wrote:
On 13/12/2019 06:14, Olivier Lamy wrote:
I wonder why this
revert  ?
I can only guess.

I raised a series of TCK bugs as a result of running the Servlet and
WebSocket TCKs against Tomcat. I provided PRs for most of them but not
this one. My PRs were accepted. The fix for this specific issue was
developed by Rohit Jain and I confirmed it locally.

When one fix identified a bug in an existing container, all the fixes
were reverted so the TCK continued to pass for that container. There
then followed a series of "revert the revert" and "revert the revert of
the revert" etc with very little to no discussion of why on any list I
could find.

My guess is that a decision was taken somewhere to keep the Jakarta EE 8
TCKs identical to Java EE 8, bugs and all, and save these fixes for
Jakarta EE 9.

I further guess that the branch planned to be used for the Jakarta EE 8
released changed and/or the fixes were applied to the wrong branch and
hence had to be reverted.

My understanding - although I admit I got lost in the number of reverts
- was that the current master included all of these fixes and that they
would be included in Jakarta EE 9.

Now on Jetty side those tests are failing again because of this revert.
The build war is named servlet_sec_denyUncovered_web.war so the webapp
is available on the context /servlet_sec_denyUncovered_webBut the test
assume the context root being /servlet_sec_denyUncovered because of the
files servlet_sec_denyUncovered.ear.sun-application.xml
and servlet_sec_denyUncovered_web.war.sun-web.xml.

As far I know the
files servlet_sec_denyUncovered.ear.sun-application.xml
and servlet_sec_denyUncovered_web.war.sun-web.xml  which change context
root are not part of the specs and only implementation specific.
Correct. They are not.

Can we please revert this revert?
I'm happy to do a pull request if needed.
Please let me know.
As far as I can tell, the revert has already been reverted (i.e. the fix
is in master again) as a result of this commit:

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