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Re: [jakartaee-tck-dev] Running through CTS pipeline job setup

Some info from

Step 1, we execute a (bash) execute shell:

#Prepare properties file for GF full profile bundle
echo "GF_BUNDLE_URL="; >> echo "GF_VERSION_URL="; >>
echo "PROFILE=FULL" >>
echo "BUILD_TYPE=CTS" >>
echo "test_suites=assembly appclient compat12 compat13 concurrency connector ejb ejb30/bb ejb30/lite/appexception ejb30/lite/async ejb30/lite/basic ejb30/lite/ejbcontext ejb30/lite/enventry ejb30/lite/interceptor ejb30/lite/lookup ejb30/lite/naming ejb30/lite/nointerface ejb30/lite/packaging ejb30/lite/singleton/concurrency ejb30/lite/singleton/dependson ejb30/lite/singleton/lifecycle ejb30/lite/stateful ejb30/lite/tx ejb30/lite/view ejb30/lite/xmloverride ejb30/assembly ejb30/timer ejb30/webservice ejb30/zombie ejb30/misc ejb30/sec ejb32 el integration interop j2eetools jacc jaspic javaee javamail jaxr jaxrpc jaxrs jbatch jdbc_appclient jdbc_ejb jdbc_jsp jdbc_servlet jms jpa_appmanaged jpa_appmanagedNoTx jpa_pmservlet jpa_puservlet jpa_stateful3 jpa_stateless3 jsf jsonb jsonp jsp jstl jta rmiiiop samples securityapi servlet signaturetest/javaee webservices webservices12 webservices13 websocket xa" >> echo "TCK_BUNDLE_BASE_URL="; >>

# property file for porting kits
#echo "GF_BUNDLE_URL="; >>
#echo "PROFILE=FULL" >>


Step 2, we trigger/call builds on other projects in parallel:

projects to build =
Block until the triggered projects finish their builds = true

Step 3, we copy artifacts from another project (jakartaee-tck/master), to collect CTS/TCK results.

Step 4, collect the jakartaeetck.version and archive results.

Step 5, we generate over CTS/TCK result report.

Step 6, we archive results.

If we want to run the entire CTS/TCKs, I assume that someone (with access to all jobs) could clone the toplevel ( job, into stable apis ci

I think that we would also need the pipeline job that is called from step #3 ( I think that these Jenkins jobs assume an OpenShift environment, with certain root folders already being available.

I wonder if the jakartaee-stable environment can expect the same environment to be used?

On 7/17/19 9:02 PM, Scott Stark wrote:
Yes. The sample pipeline to modify the ts.jte is expecting the jsonb/bin/ts.jte that does not even have the javaee.home that the jakartaee/bin/ts.jte does, so that is one problem. Are there any ts_jte jobs in the jakartaee-tck ci that are working with theĀ jakartaee/bin/ts.jte you can send out? shows the ts.jte from the TCK that your downloading already, which is also good as a reference.

Also in the downloaded tck, is the jakartaeetck/docker/ which assumes certain environment settings are already specified by test3, like TS_HOME to the jakartaeetck folder. explains the docker commands that could be used to run the TCK tests but I'm not sure if anyone has actually tried using docker yet (a few people expressed interest in trying them).


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