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Re: [jakartaee-tck-dev] Jakarta TCK issues with runclient

Hi Scott,

In case it helps, for WildFly + Jakarta EE 8 TCK/CTS running, we followed the below steps:

1. Merged our existing ts.jte settings with the Jakarta EE 8 JTE.settings, there were new properties introduced that needed to also be specified.

2. Updated WildFly porting/deployment package (ant script + configuration files) to use new SPEC API jar names.

3. Adjusted a number of times to how we obtain the CTS/TCKs (initially we built it on our own, as well as GlassFish 5.1 builds, now we just cache a downloaded copy of

For the most part, we are running the Jakarta EE 8 CTS/TCKs, as we did before, mostly using 'ant runclient', to run each test.

It is good that you are trying to follow the directions for using RunCTS, someone has to be first it sounds like. :)

I would like to try the docker scripts [1] (not sure if they are packaged with the various CTS/TCK zips or will be), as they might be easier to use for recreating CTS/TCK test failures, on developer machines.



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