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Re: [jakartaee-tck-dev] Jakarta TCK issues with runclient


Great to hear you have found a work-around and I'm glad Lance was able to give you the details that led you in a profitable direction.

Please file an issue. We'll follow up. [If you happen to find and fix the problem, you can also submit a PR ;-).]

-- Ed

On 3/12/2019 3:05 PM, Scott Highbarger wrote:

No worries Ed,
Yes, I believe the link you provided is what we've been using for Glassfish. As for the TCK I'm using the stable builds vs. Oracle's JavaEE TCK going forward as we wanted to work with the new Jakarta setup. At this point today I'm past the blocker we had all week - though I agree with Lance, I think there is something off in the builds for the tck since the delieverable.dir problem shows up with runclient when it should be under the covers which is the follow up on the issue - but appears we have a work around for now.


Scott E. Highbarger
Advisory Software Engineer
WebSphere Application Server CTS
IBM Software Group
(303) 773-5264

          hide details for Ed Bratt ---03/12/2019 03:03:04 PM---From: Ed
          Bratt <ed.bratt@xxxxxxxxxx> To: jakartaee-tck developerEd Bratt ---03/12/2019 03:03:04 PM---From: Ed Bratt <ed.bratt@xxxxxxxxxx> To: jakartaee-tck developer discussions <jakartaee-tck-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>, Kevin Sutter <sut

From: Ed Bratt <ed.bratt@xxxxxxxxxx>
To: jakartaee-tck developer discussions <jakartaee-tck-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>, Kevin Sutter <sutter@xxxxxxxxxx>
Date: 03/12/2019 03:03 PM
Subject: Re: [jakartaee-tck-dev] Jakarta TCK issues with runclient
Sent by: jakartaee-tck-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx

Yes, my bad. Sorry for the confusion. There is a certified TCK for Java EE -- that is available by license from Oracle. The builds for Jakarta EE TCKs aren't "certified," but we can certainly use them as they trend toward becoming certified, once Jakarta EE 8 completes. (But I was still confused.)

-- Ed

On 3/12/2019 1:11 PM, Kevin Sutter wrote:

      Are we talking about two different things here?  You pointed Scott at the download page for Eclipse Glassfish 5.1.  Sure, that's the Java EE 8 compliant version of Glassfish, but that doesn't help with running the test buckets.  Unless you mean there is a certified version of the TCK, but I didn't think we had that packaged yet.  Scott has tried building the TCK himself as well as pulling from Maven.
      It sounds like Scott might be making some progress with the latest information from Lance, but that still doesn't sound like the "final answer"... 

      Kevin Sutter
      STSM, MicroProfile and Java EE architect
      sutter@xxxxxxxxxx Twitter: @kwsutter
      phone: tl-553-3620 (office), 507-253-3620 (office)
      ----- Original message -----
      From: Ed Bratt
      Sent by:
      To: jakartaee-tck developer discussions
      <jakartaee-tck-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>, Lance Andersen <lance.andersen@xxxxxxxxxx>, Scott Highbarger <shighbar@xxxxxxxxxx>
      Subject: Re: [jakartaee-tck-dev] Jakarta TCK issues with runclient
      Date: Tue, Mar 12, 2019 2:51 PM

      Scott, it may not make any difference currently, but in general, I'd recommend you use the build that has was certified compatible, as opposed to the last successful build. While we intend that all builds will remain compatible, the infrastructure isn't reliable enough yet to assure that always happens and, we don't use CTS results as a signal to declare success or failure to the Eclipse GlassFish pipeline builds. If you want to help make that happen, we'd welcome the contributions. The certified builds are linked from this page: Eclipse GlassFish Downloads

      -- Ed


      On 3/12/2019 11:21 AM, Lance Andersen wrote:

              On Mar 12, 2019, at 2:12 PM, Scott Highbarger <shighbar@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

              Lance, I'm using the last stable build from vs. out local build/workspace as suggested just to rule out any odd config issue in build etc. That has not made a difference.

              I was wondering about the delieverable.dir based on what was in the Runcts. Just completed testing that out as Alwin suggested and it looks like that was the issue as we again have samples passing on the RI again now using runclient. ;) 

          That should not need to be set in  a bundle, so seems like something is amiss.  Typically you would set that in a workspace to the install/<delvierable.dir> you are currently working with.

              Looks like the delievearble.dir is new?
          No, this was introduced into the development process for the CTS master workspace in 2008 and should not be visible in a built bundle.  The install directory contains the bin directory for the various technologies.  j2ee for example is for CTS
              I don't recall it in the old javaeetck nor had to set it in the past when using runclient? Sounds like we might need to make that a required argument.
          Again, this should not need to be set in a bundle, it sounds like something is off in the build process.


              Scott E. Highbarger

              Advisory Software Engineer
              WebSphere Application Server CTS

              IBM Software Group
              (303) 773-5264


              Lance Andersen ---03/11/2019 12:57:41 PM---Hi Scott Are you running out of a workspace or a built release from your workspace?

              Lance Andersen <lance.andersen@xxxxxxxxxx>
              jakartaee-tck developer discussions <jakartaee-tck-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>
              Scott Highbarger <shighbar@xxxxxxxxxx>
              03/11/2019 12:57 PM
              Re: [jakartaee-tck-dev] Jakarta TCK issues with runclient

              Hi Scott

              Are you running out of a workspace or a built release from your workspace?
                      On Mar 11, 2019, at 2:39 PM, Alwin Joseph <alwin.joseph@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

                      Hi Scott,

                      Can you try by setting the varibale -Ddeliverable.dir=j2ee for GF while running 'runclient'.

                      I will investigate it further by tomorrow if it does not work.


                      On 11/03/19 10:42 PM, Scott Highbarger wrote:

                              Hi all, thanks Anand and Bhat for your earlier responses. Thanks for the pointer to the TCK tools/Ant lib classes as well. 

                              I've tried the suggestions below without luck, we ran into some other issues which consumed last week tied to pulling down a bad GF build, Derby issues etc. But at this point we are still hitting a RC 3 issue without little explanation as to what the root cause is. The report_dir & work dir etc. I think are setup but to be safe we've pulled the pre-built TCK as suggested as well. In order to rule out missing config etc. I tried with GF as well. Pulling the last stable GF build I'm able to get all of Samples to pass using the RunCTS & default setup. But if we switch this to use runclient I see the same RC 3 code we see with OpenLiberty. I've also tried the -debug option as well as we often have this enabled on new setups but there is no additional information around the actual failure from the Harness/Java. 

                              I see the extra setup RunCTS performs but for Samples that should not be required as the script already setups the DB etc. Has anyone else tried runclient vs. RunCTS against Glassfish? 

                              Scott E. Highbarger

                              Advisory Software Engineer
                              WebSphere Application Server CTS

                              IBM Software Group
                              (303) 773-5264


                              Anand Francis Joseph Augustine ---03/01/2019 08:11:47 AM---Hi Scott,

                              Anand Francis Joseph Augustine <anand.francis.joseph.augustin@xxxxxxxxxx>
                              jakartaee-tck developer discussions <jakartaee-tck-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>
                              03/01/2019 08:11 AM
                              Re: [jakartaee-tck-dev] Jakarta TCK issues with runclient
                              Sent by: 

                                              Hi Scott,
                              Please find below the answers to the summary questions you had posted

                              1)Anyone else seen the harness JVM exiting right away with RC code 3 and no output/trace on why? Any suggestions on how to determine the reason?
                                              >> Are you using a pre-built jakartaee TCK bundle or are you trying to run it directly by cloning the github repository and doing a clean build and run ?
                              One common reason for runclient returning status code 3, could be if the values of report.dir and work.dirin ts.jte file is wrong or if the paths do not exist. Otherwise it can be due to missing or corrupt testsuite.jtt/testsuite.jtd files. You can run with debug enabled say (ant -debug runclient) to see the exact cause of the failure.

                              2) Why with Glassfish are we not using runclient interface which leads to the JTHarness's main class but instead a custom RunCTS class to kick off tests? Should we not perhaps re-architect that and follow the same code path as other VIs should use and our documentation states?

                              >> The 
                              run.cts custom ant target is a convenience ant target. It takes care of additional ant targets to be run for specific suites and sets default values for properties. Like for JASPIC suite, it runs enable.jaspicbefore calling runclient. These instructions are part of the user guide. If you use run.cts target, it takes care of such things internally based on the test area we are running. The source code for RunCTS ant target is available in the below link. You can have a look at it to see what it does. The RunCTS is available only for the JakartaEE TCK bundle and cannot be used for standalone TCKs.
                              I don’t see a reason why other VI’s cannot use it. Though we have not tested it with VIs other than GlassFish. You can try it out with Liberty and see if you face any issues.

                              3) I think we should have the source available for any classes we have as part of the project and unless I'm mistaken it appears we are missing a lot of the com.sun.ant.taskdefs etc?

                              >> The source code for these custom ANT tasks is also donated and its available in a separate github repository.

                              It contains several additional useful tools used for generating test coverage, custom ant tasks and other utility scripts etc.


                               Scott Highbarger <shighbar@xxxxxxxxxx> 
                               Friday, March 1, 2019 12:20 AM
                               [jakartaee-tck-dev] Jakarta TCK issues with runclient

                              Good morning all,

                              We've been looking into an issue we ran into trying to get the Jakarta TCK working on OpenLiberty. The documentation states to use runclient to execute the tests (in batch mode) but when doing that we are get RC code 3 from Java from the Harness without much clue so far as to what we might be the cause, even with harness trace enabled. 

                                                                                              BUILD FAILED
                                                                                              /jakarta/javaeetck/bin/xml/ts.nonleafimport.xml:63: The following error occurred while executing this line:
                                                                                              /jakarta/javaeetck/bin/xml/ts.import.xml:90: The following error occurred while executing this line:
                                                                                              /jakarta/javaeetck/bin/build.xml:168: The following error occurred while executing this line:
                                                                                              /jakarta/javaeetck/bin/xml/ Java returned: 3

                              I suspect our issue is config related, but interestingly it got me comparing our output with a run against Glassfish/RI, which lead me to another issue I think should be brought up.

                              When the VI is the RI/Glassfish, instead of kicking the tests off though runclient per the TCK documentation it's instead using it's own Ant target run.cts (from the implementation specific Ant script s1as.xml) which ultimately kicks the tests off via the class com.sun.ant.taskdefs.common.RunCTS [see ts.common.props.xml taskdef for runcts]. I could not find any source in the proejct for RunCTS class or any of the com.sun.ant package so could not follow the path further for the RI side. What I'm wondering is why not have the RI's interface into the TCK match what we are documenting and suggesting other VIs use? I.e. runclient instead of the run.cts/runcts and an glassfish specific RunCTS? I also think that the source code for these classes should be included as part of the TCK or otherwise available if we are going to make use of them - but unless I completely missed something I can't find source for that class or any of the others in that package/area?

                              Out of curiosity and to compare our openliberty output to glassfish I changed the run script to call runclient on a glassfish setup - basically trying to run tests against the RI/GF but using the method outlined in our Readme and the guide. When we try this we see the following error;
                                                                                              + /jakarta/ri/glassfish5/glassfish/bin/asadmin --user admin --passwordfile /jakarta/admin-password.txt -p 5858 start-domain
                                                                                              Waiting for domain1 to start ....
                                                                                              Successfully started the domain : domain1
                                                                                              domain Location: /jakarta/ri/glassfish5/glassfish/domains/domain1
                                                                                              Log File: /jakarta/ri/glassfish5/glassfish/domains/domain1/logs/server.log
                                                                                              Admin Port: 5858
                                                                                              Command start-domain executed successfully.
                                                                                              + [[ jaxr == samples ]]
                                                                                              + [[ securityapi == samples ]]
                                                                                              + cd /jakarta/javaeetck//bin
                                                                                              + echo 'ant > /tmp/deploy.out 2>&1 & '
                                                                                              ant > /tmp/deploy.out 2>&1 & 
                                                                                              + cd /jakarta/jakartaee-tck/src/com/sun/ts/tests/samples
                                                                                              + ant runclient
                                                                                              + ant
                                                                                              Buildfile: /jakarta/jakartaee-tck/src/com/sun/ts/tests/samples/build.xml
                                                                                              [echo] ts.home = /jakarta/jakartaee-tck/bin/xml/../..
                                                                                              [mkdir] Created dir: /jakarta/jakartaee-tck/classes
                                                                                              [mkdir] Created dir: /jakarta/jakartaee-tck/dist
                                                                                              [mkdir] Created dir: /jakarta/jakartaee-tck/tmp
                                                                                              [mkdir] Created dir: /jakarta/jakartaee-tck/weblib

                                                                                              BUILD FAILED
                                                                                              /jakarta/jakartaee-tck/src/com/sun/ts/tests/samples/build.xml:21: The following error occurred while executing this line:
                                                                                              /jakarta/jakartaee-tck/bin/xml/ts.nonleafimport.xml:30: The following error occurred while executing this line:
                                                                                              /jakarta/jakartaee-tck/bin/xml/ts.import.xml:30: The following error occurred while executing this line:
                                                                                              /jakarta/jakartaee-tck/bin/xml/ts.vehicles.xml:23: The following error occurred while executing this line:
                                                                                              /jakarta/jakartaee-tck/bin/xml/ts.clientjar.xml:23: The following error occurred while executing this line:
                                                                                              /jakarta/jakartaee-tck/bin/xml/ts.common.xml:23: The following error occurred while executing this line:
                                                                                              /jakarta/jakartaee-tck/bin/xml/ts.common.props.xml:240: There is no deliverabledir by the name of samples under /jakarta/jakartaee-tck/bin/xml/../../install. Please set deliverabledir in your environment

                              It looks like - at least without some additional changes you can't run tests against GF/RI using the method we document out of the box? We get the above when trying to run samples, but since it's looking for the install directory, which is new in Jakara vs javaee, it seems to be trying to run the stand alone TCK for samples (which there is not one) vs. running the samples bucket in the main TCK here.

                              So in summary;

                              1) Anyone else seen the harness JVM exiting right away with RC code 3 and no output/trace on why? Any suggestions on how to determine the reason?

                              2) Why with Glassfish are we not using runclient interface which leads to the JTHarness's main class but instead a custom RunCTS class to kick off tests? Should we not perhaps re-architect that and follow the same code path as other VIs should use and our documentation states?

                              3) I think we should have the source available for any classes we have as part of the project and unless I'm mistaken it appears we are missing a lot of the com.sun.ant.taskdefs etc?

                              Scott E. Highbarger

                              Advisory Software Engineer
                              WebSphere Application Server CTS

                              IBM Software Group
                              (303) 773-5264


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              Lance Andersen| Principal Member of Technical Staff | +1.781.442.2037

               Java Engineering 
              1 Network Drive 
              Burlington, MA 01803


          Lance Andersen| Principal Member of Technical Staff | +1.781.442.2037

           Java Engineering 
          1 Network Drive 
          Burlington, MA 01803

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