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Re: [jakartaee-spec-project-leads] Merging of EE4J_8 branches?
  • From: Mark Thomas <markt@xxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Wed, 4 Mar 2020 17:53:07 +0000
  • Autocrypt: addr=markt@xxxxxxxxxx; prefer-encrypt=mutual; keydata= xsFNBEq0DukBEAD4jovHOPJDxoD+JnO1Go2kiwpgRULasGlrVKuSUdP6wzcaqWmXpqtOJKKw W2MQFQLmg7nQ9RjJwy3QCbKNDJQA/bwbQT1F7WzTCz2S6vxC4zxKck4t6RZBq2dJsYKF0CEh 6ZfY4dmKvhq+3istSoFRdHYoOPGWZpuRDqfZPdGm/m335/6KGH59oysn1NE7a2a+kZzjBSEg v23+l4Z1Rg7+fpz1JcdHSdC2Z+ZRxML25eVatRVz4yvDOZItqDURP24zWOodxgboldV6Y88C 3v/7KRR+1vklzkuA2FqF8Q4r/2f0su7MUVviQcy29y/RlLSDTTYoVlCZ1ni14qFU7Hpw43KJ tgXmcUwq31T1+SlXdYjNJ1aFkUi8BjCHDcSgE/IReKUanjHzm4XSymKDTeqqzidi4k6PDD4j yHb8k8vxi6qT6Udnlcfo5NBkkUT1TauhEy8ktHhbl9k60BvvMBP9l6cURiJg1WS77egI4P/8 2oPbzzFiGFqXyJKULVgxtdQ3JikCpodp3f1fh6PlYZwkW4xCJLJucJ5MiQp07HAkMVW5w+k8 Xvuk4i5quh3N+2kzKHOOiQCDmN0sz0XjOE+7XBvM1lvz3+UarLfgSVmW8aheLd7eaIl5ItBk 8844ZJ60LrQ+JiIqvqJemxyIM6epoZvY5a3ZshZpcLilC5hW8QARAQABzSJNYXJrIEUgRCBU aG9tYXMgPG1hcmt0QGFwYWNoZS5vcmc+wsF3BBMBCgAhBQJKtA7pAhsDBQsJCAcDBRUKCQgL BRYCAwEAAh4BAheAAAoJEBDAHFovYFnn2YgQAKN6FLG/I1Ij3PUlC/XNlhasQxPeE3w2Ovtt weOQPYkblJ9nHtGH5pNqG2/qoGShlpI04jJy9GxWKOo7NV4v7M0mbVlCXVgjdlvMFWdL7lno cggwJAFejQcYlVtxyhu4m50LBvBunEhxCbQcKnnWmkB7Ocm0Ictaqjc9rCc1F/aNhVMUpJ0z G1kyTp9hxvN6TbCQlacMx5ocTWzL0zn6QZhbUfrYwfxYJmSnkVYZOYzXIXIsLN5sJ9Q4P8tj Y4qWgd+bQvOqPWrkzL9LVRnGOrSYIsoM5zWdoj1g1glMzK/ZqJdRqqqBhe6FYTbXipz8oX8i mCebcaxZnfLhGiqqX+yDa3YUwDiqom+sZOc0iXGvKkqltPLpNeF0MVT7aZjalsQ/v2Ysb24R Ql9FfjfWmvT8ZPWz8Kore1AI4UcIIgFVtM+zuLlL9CIsGjg+gHDE2dhZDY0qfizlHL9CoAWU DM3pIfxM2V4BRn1xO+j/mModhjmYLZvnFVz4KGkNO7wRkofAANIWYo3WI5x83BGDH371t3NR rrpSSFP0XpQX6/Leaj2j6U6puABL2qBxhscsO6chc3u4/+019ff+peZVsc9ttcTQXsKIujmM b8p2sk5usmv6PKVX3oW/RAxpbVHU5kZ5px1Hq7mMQdZfLs5ff4YymXBH02z4/RmSzPam0Xb5 zsFNBEq0DukBEADCNEkws5YroBmbu8789Xf006gTl5LzD/Hdt3sAp9iCfPgucO+l7U+xbo1X HTMJQwEVfS+Rx3RbaLYRG+hU7FuJLQB/5NaCDNRuqw5KHyQtJUH+zo84IqqfMzG8aOSdHg1y r2xKH4QTmgQONBu/W0xEZmZro6TjYNwkk2pwXK2yuImZPUOy+mK1qF8Wm3hTtkPE+FFSNFIa eHDoTGmx/0Riu/K7dNJTrC0TlRpn2K6d60zB53YYTc+0DYSDyB0FupXiAx/+XEGn3Q7eNi2B V6w50v5r51QP8zptiFflMfFKNAfV8xS5MteQd98YS5qqd/LPo3gS5HFPQaSL0k3RTClv7fQN HcZFqmv0OWpix6zm2npYxhqsTDGeSa52/uXehVXF5JubYFifMSLpbGVZqdrmG5hr2cycxsjF iY0zJOaRitmN/JWbOGLiwrcN4ukKNyFntFG5jPaFnJdx9rHfyJNeF9cgv9JlZeFxJ6WqIAhl KOuH3K8/py0SPE6ZOFfRo0YUxvh25K/siOcPLm613aOxyY7YfQ8ME2vgn7I0mAtg9am+YFDa bGqj839odwZdzZv2T2mUHnybFTJFBuMWGWKYstYDS6eZEmhupbPvUKkDug/mO+gdo+pSKF9Y S6DM5RtCdTNJq4NZY50ypBb5RSj+INHPocIp2V/DDTbzySsu6wARAQABwsFfBBgBCgAJBQJK tA7pAhsMAAoJEBDAHFovYFnnLe0P/i34oK5cE2LlqUEITEcTO94x1EX0UmtKokRfQ3AYWK8X eFD8cmSty72hMkL+1c0V//4Qc53SUyLIWXk8FKWF7hdL3zyuBqlRb55721CYC35GA/jR90p0 k1vr701gaat2cNTOVC0/6H9cE5yYXT+zMr9TSiKCDwONhhSbmAJZc6X0fgsmCD7I5xUI5Vri hN/Wx0CZBtrXGUyE4hgFaYSGptZmkY5Ln1e+nI185Bda7bpLwcAIGrI9nYtVXgf71ybGKdPP tFfXIoPXuctn99M7NnWBhNuGDms2YWkOC7eeWBTxKkZDWR3vRmRy52B6GxR7USk/KXs7yqGP kfT/c4CZFfOurZUXXuC3PvOme0DQmqwExtJormoG4Fy6suEFPrfhYMigTy7kSbVTCOBMjQLH +U/FFNshvg9+M/ZvaKT+0lpRvBSuG5ngsC0bO0xWsXhb6qfH2h53g4VcwFvCBL5IfqgAeUbC nGGHNcGWpmwdeb7D7ahrNZSHEUUYR7lTbjkYS01/QDOcEwNZOqDRIJUQOOUq35721VeROkdh ZmMZtFlsQeQJsWoqGrQo/kEYicVlMVOgjmOOzOa5fRb/IqlGlBn4a4me3hWthLLtMy+OOEim 6ENjntVTBQiTP/YqrxWDbCkaD7b2e9wY5N3JlRxMIQHfcHaND3PRdQSn7oHYXmJl
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On 04/03/2020 17:50, Mark Thomas wrote:
> On 04/03/2020 17:04, Bill Shannon wrote:
>> Here's my first guess at repos where the EE4J_8 branch has not been merged:
> jsp-api, servlet-api, websocket-api and el-api do not need to be merged.

Whoops. el-ri

Sorry for the noise.


> Mark
>> authentication: NOT MERGED
>> authorization: NOT MERGED
>> bvtck-porting: NOT MERGED
>> cdi: NOT MERGED
>> cdi-tck: NOT MERGED
>> cditck-porting: NOT MERGED
>> common-annotations-api: NOT MERGED
>> concurrency-api: NOT MERGED
>> concurrency-ri: NOT MERGED
>> ditck-porting: NOT MERGED
>> ejb-api: NOT MERGED
>> enterprise-deployment: NOT MERGED
>> glassfish-maven-embedded-plugin: NOT MERGED
>> glassfish-security-plugin: NOT MERGED
>> grizzly: NOT MERGED
>> grizzly-ahc: NOT MERGED
>> grizzly-memcached: NOT MERGED
>> grizzly-npn: NOT MERGED
>> grizzly-thrift: NOT MERGED
>> interceptor-api: NOT MERGED
>> jakartaee-firstcup-examples: NOT MERGED
>> jakartaee-schemas: NOT MERGED
>> jakartaee-tutorial-examples: NOT MERGED
>> jax-rpc-api: NOT MERGED
>> jax-rpc-ri: NOT MERGED
>> jax-ws-api: NOT MERGED
>> jaxb-api: NOT MERGED
>> jaxb-dtd-parser: NOT MERGED
>> jaxb-fi: NOT MERGED
>> jaxb-istack-commons: NOT MERGED
>> jaxb-ri: NOT MERGED
>> jaxb-stax-ex: NOT MERGED
>> jaxr-api: NOT MERGED
>> jaxr-ri: NOT MERGED
>> jca-api: NOT MERGED
>> jersey: NOT MERGED
>> jms-api: NOT MERGED
>> jpa-api: NOT MERGED
>> jsonb-api: NOT MERGED
>> jsonp: NOT MERGED
>> jsp-api: NOT MERGED
>> jstl-api: NOT MERGED
>> jta-api: NOT MERGED
>> jws-api: NOT MERGED
>> management-api: NOT MERGED
>> metro-jax-ws: NOT MERGED
>> metro-jwsdp-samples: NOT MERGED
>> metro-mimepull: NOT MERGED
>> metro-package-rename-task: NOT MERGED
>> metro-policy: NOT MERGED
>> metro-saaj: NOT MERGED
>> metro-ws-test-harness: NOT MERGED
>> metro-wsit: NOT MERGED
>> metro-xmlstreambuffer: NOT MERGED
>> mojarra: NOT MERGED
>> mojarra-jsf-extensions: NOT MERGED
>> openmq: NOT MERGED
>> orb: NOT MERGED
>> orb-gmbal: NOT MERGED
>> orb-gmbal-commons: NOT MERGED
>> orb-gmbal-pfl: NOT MERGED
>> saaj-api: NOT MERGED
>> servlet-api: NOT MERGED
>> soteria: NOT MERGED
>> websocket-api: NOT MERGED
>> yasson: NOT MERGED
>> Bill Shannon wrote on 3/4/20 8:48 AM:
>>> It turns out there's a *lot* of repos that still have EE4J_8
>>> branches.  Here's the list:
>>> authentication
>>> authorization
>>> bvtck-porting
>>> cdi
>>> cdi-tck
>>> cditck-porting
>>> common-annotations-api
>>> concurrency-api
>>> concurrency-ri
>>> ditck-porting
>>> ejb-api
>>> el-ri
>>> enterprise-deployment
>>> glassfish-maven-embedded-plugin
>>> glassfish-security-plugin
>>> grizzly
>>> grizzly-ahc
>>> grizzly-memcached
>>> grizzly-npn
>>> grizzly-thrift
>>> interceptor-api
>>> jakartaee-firstcup-examples
>>> jakartaee-schemas
>>> jakartaee-tutorial-examples
>>> jax-rpc-api
>>> jax-rpc-ri
>>> jax-ws-api
>>> jaxb-api
>>> jaxb-dtd-parser
>>> jaxb-fi
>>> jaxb-istack-commons
>>> jaxb-ri
>>> jaxb-stax-ex
>>> jaxr-api
>>> jaxr-ri
>>> jca-api
>>> jersey
>>> jms-api
>>> jpa-api
>>> jsonb-api
>>> jsonp
>>> jsp-api
>>> jstl-api
>>> jta-api
>>> jws-api
>>> management-api
>>> metro-jax-ws
>>> metro-jwsdp-samples
>>> metro-mimepull
>>> metro-package-rename-task
>>> metro-policy
>>> metro-saaj
>>> metro-ws-test-harness
>>> metro-wsit
>>> metro-xmlstreambuffer
>>> mojarra
>>> mojarra-jsf-extensions
>>> openmq
>>> orb
>>> orb-gmbal
>>> orb-gmbal-commons
>>> orb-gmbal-pfl
>>> saaj-api
>>> security-api
>>> servlet-api
>>> soteria
>>> websocket-api
>>> yasson
>>> I assume most of them have been merged into master.  (I could probably
>>> figure that out with a bit more git hacking.)  But clearly people
>>> aren't deleting them.
>>> Kevin Sutter wrote on 3/4/20 7:17 AM:
>>>> Bill had suggested something similar...  But, my take is that most
>>>> (all?) of the Projects were already aware of this exercise and I
>>>> consider JSTL a special case.  If this notice to the Spec Projects
>>>> creates a lot of "of my, I forgot to do that" type of comment, then I
>>>> guess we'll have to be more diligent.  But, I really hope this was
>>>> just a public service announcement that the Projects can just say
>>>> "been there, done that"...
>>>> ---------------------------------------------------
>>>> Kevin Sutter
>>>> STSM, MicroProfile and Jakarta EE architect @ IBM
>>>> e-mail:  sutter@xxxxxxxxxx     Twitter:  @kwsutter
>>>> phone: tl-553-3620 (office), 507-253-3620 (office)    
>>>> LinkedIn:
>>>> <;!!GqivPVa7Brio!LAqjTVQEcglXU5s3uQ1-gMOOlBo4jlJRdxSN2WegAhmeX6fqhlwwJYwfJfQezBrdzQ$>
>>>> From:        Tom Jenkinson <tom.jenkinson@xxxxxxxxxx>
>>>> To:        JakartaEE Spec Project Leadership discussions
>>>> <jakartaee-spec-project-leads@xxxxxxxxxxx>
>>>> Date:        03/04/2020 08:49
>>>> Subject:        [EXTERNAL] Re: [jakartaee-spec-project-leads] Merging
>>>> of EE4J_8 branches?
>>>> Sent by:        jakartaee-spec-project-leads-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx
>>>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>> Do you want to track it somehow? For instance, should we delete
>>>> EE4J_8 branches (not my preference) or add a note on a github project
>>>> when it is complete?
>>>> On Wed, 4 Mar 2020 at 14:29, Kevin Sutter <_sutter@xxxxxx.com_
>>>> <mailto:sutter@xxxxxxxxxx>> wrote:
>>>> Hi,
>>>> Just a heads up...  As we were working through the JTSL project, we
>>>> found that the old EE4J_8 project was never properly merged with
>>>> Master.  Since this Project is kind of an "orphan", I'm hoping that
>>>> this is the only case of these forgotten changes.  We now have this
>>>> project cleaned up and ready to produce the Milestone API artifact. 
>>>> But, Bill and I thought it would be a good idea to remind all of the
>>>> Specification Projects to ensure that any Jakarta EE 8 work was
>>>> properly merged into Master before getting too far down the Jakarta
>>>> EE 9 path.  Thanks!
>>>> ---------------------------------------------------
>>>> Kevin Sutter
>>>> STSM, MicroProfile and Jakarta EE architect @ IBM
>>>> e-mail:  _sutter@xxxxxx.com_ <mailto:sutter@xxxxxxxxxx>    Twitter:
>>>>  @kwsutter
>>>> phone: tl-553-3620 (office), 507-253-3620 (office)    
>>>> LinkedIn: _
>>>> <;!!GqivPVa7Brio!LAqjTVQEcglXU5s3uQ1-gMOOlBo4jlJRdxSN2WegAhmeX6fqhlwwJYwfJfQezBrdzQ$>
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