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[jakartaee-spec-project-leads] Jakarta EE 9 Release Plan endorsed by Steering Committee!

We walked through theJakarta EE 9 Release Planwith the Jakarta EE Steering Committee today and it was unanimously approved (pending a similar discussion at tomorrow's Spec Committee meeting)!  Thanks to all of the input and discussion over the last few weeks to come to this conclusion.

Resolved, that pending endorsement from the Specification Committee, the Steering Committee endorses and adopts the release plan recommended by the platform team.

So, now the fun starts...  :-)  According to the Guesstimate Spreadsheet, many of you are already working on the Spec, API, and TCK updates.  That's great!  Based on our proposed schedules for Jakarta EE 9, we're going to have a very busy first half of the year.  So, any headstart work that your teams can do now will help us meet the goals next year.

One thing that I would like to get each Spec's verification on is the exact version of each Spec that will be going into Jakarta EE 9.  I decided to create a PR for the Specifications Projectfor creating the initial directory structure for the new and updated Specs.  One neat feature of this site is that we have a "deploy preview" of the PRs that are being proposed.  So, it's very easy to see the impact of a PR on the site.  To visually inspect the Spec version updates...

For example, if you click on Jakarta EE Platform, you'll see two entries -- one for Jakarta EE 8 and one for Jakarta EE 9.  The Jakarta EE 9 entry is a placeholder put in place by this PR.  It's a skeletal entry that will need to filled out when the official PRs are submitted for the new Versions.  You'll also notice that the five technologies we're moving from Java SE 11 have placeholders at the top-level as well.  (Since we still need a Scope statement description and other metadata, these still look incomplete.)  But, the general directory structure is in place to verify all of the various Versions proposed for Jakarta EE 9.

If you find anything that needs updating, let me know and I can adjust the PR.  I will eventually be merging this based on Lazy Consensus. Bill and Ivar have already reviewed and approved the PR.  We can always adjust this later, but I would like to get the general layout in place to allow for early Release work by some of the Components.

The other thing that I am working on is a Jakarta EE 9 github Project board for tracking the progress of this effort.  I'm still working out some github repo permissions issues with the Eclipse Foundation, so I'm not ready to roll this out yet.  But, I think we would all rather be tracking our progress via github rather than duplicating effort on Google sheets or docs.  Once I get the permissions straightened out, then I'll be creating "epic" Issues for each new/updated Spec Version across the Jakarta EE 9 platform.  These Issues and associated PRs will be used in the Project board to track our overall progress.  I have no interest in governing how each individual Component tracks their development efforts, but we do need something at a higher level to track the overall Jakarta EE 9 release.  Hope this makes sense...  I'll send out a more detailed note when I get the permissions thing figured out.

That's it!  I know many of you are leaving work soon for the Holidays.  Enjoy your time off and get ready for a busy 2020!  :-)

Kevin Sutter
STSM, MicroProfile and Jakarta EE architect @ IBM
e-mail:  sutter@xxxxxxxxxx     Twitter:  @kwsutter
phone: tl-553-3620 (office), 507-253-3620 (office)    

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