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Re: [jakartaee-spec-project-leads] Consistent checkboxes for jakartaee/specifications PRs & review notes everyone should know

Scott Kurz wrote on 7/31/19 6:45 AM:

I think we should have consistency in where to host the certification issues.


FYI, that document is obsolete.  The current version is here.

Yes, bad on us for not communicating this clearly.  :-(

Requests to be acknowledged as a certified implementation MUST be filed via the specification project’s TCK issue tracker using the label `certification` and include the following information:

I see I'm the only one who interpreted that as an issue against the TCK project. The other examples use spec project issues, not what I assumed was the intent in saying "TCK issue tracker".

We changed this recently.

So if we agree it's the spec project that should host these issues, I can go (re)create all the required labels for the TCK challenge workflow over in the batch-api (spec) project to support this.
Hopefully the doc can be updated to clarify (and maybe also add the comment: - "The TCK results should be hosted by the Compatible Implementation not by the Specification Project").

If that's not clear in the latest documents, please suggest where we should add it, or submit a pull request against the documents.


The wording comes up again related to "Improvement" - Requests for improvement to tests MUST simply be created as issues with a label of `enhancement` in the specification project’s TCK issue tracker.

IMHO, I do think it might not be helpful at this point to try to specify an "enhancement"-related workflow. Enhancements may be added for a variety of overlapping reasons: new features, increased coverage of old features, better automation, maybe even refactoring, and we're going to end up with some diverse approaches I'd think.

Bugs and enhancement requests against the TCK itself should be filed in the usual manner against the TCK project.  We may be over-specifying that here.

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