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Re: [jakartaee-platform-dev] BALLOT to include Data in Web profile

0 (binding)

As mentioned on the last Platform call, while it makes sense to add Jakarta Data in the Jakarta Web Profile in the future (close to Jakarta Persistence and Jakarta Servlet), I think now it's a decision of the vendors to decide where to put it in.
Having it on the Platform gives Web Profile only vendors the opportunity to take care of this spec later or offer it from the beginning. additionally
I did not saw to much community votes yet to include it into the Web Profile, what could have changed my mind for now (exception: Lenny).
Integration in the Platform now and moving it down to the Web Profile would require a Minor Release only, while the other way around would require a Major Release - so the impact is relatively low for moving it later, when Jakarta Data is successful.

Thanks and best,

Am 18.08.23 um 17:26 schrieb Edward Burns via jakartaee-platform-dev:

The decision to include Data in the Platform specification is implicit in the results of the BALLOT for Data


Vote +1, 0, or -1 on this BALLOT to indicate your preference regarding whether or not the Data specification will go into the Web profile, in addition to the platform profile. This vote will be counted by simple majority of Platform Project committers as listed in .


Non-committers are encouraged to vote as a measure of community sentiment.


This BALLOT will run until Thursday 2023-08-31 23:59 EDT or when all committers have voted, whichever comes first.





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